Original Post
Activity checkin
You guys dead?

No posts in a week, or posts confirming clan death, will result in the clan being removed.
Well,I'm JollyRoger's member.

I was Co leader here.
As u see,I'm modator here yet.
If u gimme 1 month time I will make it alive again...
The first ninety minutes of a football match are the most important.
i dont think u ll manage... sorry dude, this place is dead
Fr_Death - Metal Gods
Left 4 Dead 2 FTW!

Are you guys active?
Please reply here with a yes, or no.

No response in a week will result into Clan Admins suspecting this clan to be dead, and your forum being removed.

Last chance. Need to see some improvement now.
Gynx is a nubby nubly nub nub who nubs around nubbing
*Sigh* You are clearly not.
Get more members to post. That last post was the final notice. So you have a week.
Gynx is a nubby nubly nub nub who nubs around nubbing