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laptop fan struggles.
so i made a thread about a year back when my harddrive failed. sorry skulfuk for not responding to that, but yes, it was a completely ruined drive which had to be replaced. ever since, i've ran into new problems, and got some fixed, and am still struggling with some.
so the problem i have right now, is the fan. the retard who "repaired" my computer fucked up the fan placement, and have made far more sound than it should do. however, just until lately, it has gone from being a really really quiet v8 engine, to an actual engine. i can barely hear the music i'm playing in my headset.

i don't want to open it completely and look into it, because i don't want to loose the waranty. the fan isn't the only problem, and the other things needs to be completely replaced, which i wouldn't pay for just because i want to fix the fan.

just curious to see if there actually is any people who has experienced this kind of problem, and see if there is a possible fix for it without loosing the waranty.

the computer also heats up really quickly because of this. yes, i know it's a laptop and they do heat up, but for the two years i've been an owner of this crap, i've atleast had cool air coming out of the fan area, when i'm not doing anything. the fan is currently running at the fastest speed as i'm writing this, and it's just getting warmer and warmer.

let me know what you think.
If you have a warranty, send it in to be repaired. Thats your best option.
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Usually it's fixable by knocking it a bit to click it back into place, or checking to see if any wires or stray plastic are rubbing.

If you can't see any obvious reason as to why it's making the sound (can't tell what it's rubbing against, can't see it out of alignment), then just RMA it, otherwise if you work on it they will use it as an excuse not to honor the warranty.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Usually it's fixable by knocking it a bit to click it back into place, or checking to see if any wires or stray plastic are rubbing.

Is that a joke? You would be a complete idiot to do that.

Anyways, the fan screw has probably just come loose on the bottom. Has happened to me with what appears to be similar model. Just take it apart and tighten the screw. Easy-peasy. No need for RMAs or damaging your laptop by hitting it.
The two most likely problems are it's not seated correctly or if something is rubbing.

Both can be fixed as above, I've seen a lot of noisy fans in my time.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
the problem used to occour a few times now and then, before it started happening each time.
accidental hits against it have fixed it, but now it just doesn't.

i looked at the main three screws keeping it at place, and each of them were well tightened.
it could be a screw which holds the actual fan and blades, but i can't reach that without loosing the warranty.
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
Tapping your fan to get something unstuck so it doesn't hit something every rotation isn't murder.

If you can't get it to work and absolutely need to keep that laptop you could always buy a laptop pad (or whatever they're called) where they have a fan on them.

as seen in the clip, i gently press the fan down slightly, and then the sound stops. it's nothing in the way. i'd suspect it's the guy who repaired my computer last time it was in who just didn't do a good job when he screwed the fan back there. it was a motherboard change, so it had to be removed.
and i'd very much like to keep it, as i doubt i'll get my money back, and they'll most likely not let me change either, because the problems are fixable, and they just love making people wait.
buying a external fan and removing the old one wouldn't provide as much air flow, and would therefore make it easier for the computer to overheat, and it already have a problem with overheating with the current fan. i can barely play arma3 on low settings for an hour.
Originally Posted by Lecture View Post
If i got that problem well i just gonna go to the repair shop thats the best option bro

they have an average 3 week wait time for things to get repaired. it took them almost two months to replace my harddrive. and due to the fact that i'm currently not home, and will be going home within their average waiting time, AND they don't allow shipping to other factories, it's another added ~3 weeks to wait. this laptop isn't that important, but it's a nice thing to have at times.