Original Post
[Admin] Ingame achievements stats don't update
Since crux implemented the counting of matches for some specific ingame achievements, they haven't updated at all for me. I've had the same "you need X wins" amount ever since they were released, and this is for all the achievements.
How bout re earning them.

Shit happens.

Also, edit your post or pm some one next time before you decide to double post.
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Last edited by Tinerr; Aug 12, 2011 at 06:40 PM.
I'm terribly sorry for not replying to this thread, but I have no clue as to what causes this problem, and it seems no-one else in Support has. I'll try to see if I can find someone that knows.
Thanks and don't worry, I kind of figured it was a bit of a nuisance since nobody replied for a month. As long as there will be a fix for this eventually it should be great.