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[Phantom] FAQ

Posting new threads:
1. Spam threads and Remakes are not the best idea for new threads.
2. Clan related topics are most valuable and may not be closed/deleted.
3. Birthdays and other things should be kept for General chat.

Deciding on apps:

1. Don't post chat on recruitment thread
2. No stupid reasons for saying yes/no
3. Don't post an app for a different person/friend
4. Make your reason worthwhile- Give detail and explain why.

Clan wars:

1. Post results (Who won, Clans involved, players, score, mod)
2. Try and encourage members during wars-encouraging will convince them to do more wars
3. Raging-Don't rage unless you want to give us a bad rep.

1. Post in inactivity thread.
2. Make sure you tell us

1. Try not to make a new thread
2. If you apply for ally; give a good reason for quitting

General Chat:
1. If there are threads for what you are talking about, POST IT IN THAT THREAD.
2. Don't flame or spam
3. Don't bug members/leaders/co-leaders
4. When changing topic, make sure you actually finished the last topic, or it gets confusing.

Trading Center:
1. Don't make stupid offers
2. Don't beg
3. Try and stay around the price they want
4. Arguing is acceptable... OVER PM

1. Post all art in the art thread
Using Spoilers
1 If your image is bigger than 100x10 pixels please use a dpoiler, this reduces lag for other members.

That's it for now.
Post if I forgot something or did something wrong.
All points will be explained.

Last edited by DruggedPanda; Nov 15, 2012 at 03:27 PM.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
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