Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Piratez] Recruitment

Please read thoroughly before attempting to apply.

Requirements you HAVE to meet in order to join:

You must be at least a Black Belt. No exceptions.

You must be obviously active on the forums. After you are accepted you must post at least once a week to show you are still active. We are a more forum based clan.

Do not be a complete rebel - yes, we are Piratez, but that does not mean you can go around being a complete dickhead to everyone.

And last but not least, take it as good advice, not a rule:
Put some thought and effort into your application, because this may increase your chances of getting in Piratez.
(<<< Boldfaced, so it's important.)
If you do not seriously and properly fill out the application, you will most likely be immediately rejected by the crew.
Also, MrTeapawt tends to drop in from time to time, and he'll bash your application if it sucks.

Application Form:
You do not have to follow this format, in fact, if you make your own in paragraph form you will more likely be accepted.
Hint: The self description is the most important part.

Self Description:
Past Clans and why you left them (if any):
Belt and Qi:
Are you active on forum?:
Favorite/Best mod:
Three replays of your favorite/best mod: (not required, but we prefer it)

Your application will be discussed as soon as we read it, and you'll get an answer on this thread. You will eventually get a response, so wait patiently. And do attempt to be interactive when we are discussing your application.
Last edited by Sicks; Jan 26, 2015 at 01:18 AM.
I'll kick it off then..

Self Description: Old member, coming back home. When I was in Piratez in the old days I ran a bit of a tight ship. I realise that some of you didn't appreciate that at the time and I may have appeared like an egomaniac, but back then, we were a pretty successful, active clan (there needed to be rules). I'm actually a pretty friendly guy and, if you do want to get to know me better, I'll give you all my Skype address (I've never been a big fan of mIRC). Still needs to more expanded?
GMT: +10
Past Clans and why you left them: [Piratez] - Left because I was invited into Clan, it was all very new and exciting, [Clan] - Was kicked for inactivity during my year break.
Belt and Qi: Blue (?), 153
Are you active on forums?: Will be.
An image of your Tori: Nope. Basically, black textures, amethyst relax, orc force.
Favorite/Best mod: aikidobigdojo.tbm

Heres to new starts.
Last edited by Rutten; Oct 16, 2012 at 01:12 PM.

Well as you could just write "can i haz join?" and everyone would still say yes, I find no reason for not accepting you. Never talked to you after I joined Piratez and then you quit. But I was stalking before so you seem like a pretty cool guy and everyone respects you here. But before I say yes expand your self description. Some members may not know you so good.

Also I added something to application. Well that is required if we are going to met some clan hoppers.
Oh and for members who can vote give reasons why you say yes or no who ever makes an application. It was a rule in our clan due to spamming apps.

Anyhow write the slef description and I'll invite you.