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[TW] TeamWushu - 武 Tier Replays 術
Ok, so this thread should theoretically be edited and pruned to one day either be merged with an existing thread on the "TeamWushu" sub-forum, or become a new 'stickied' thread.

On here we will provide replays which we think are straight cut examples of the different tiers.

Once replays have started to be collected, one of the forum moderators will sort the replays into one of the categories below. After which, the replay/s will be voted on, and the outcome(s) will decide on which replays shall be used for the proposed purpose.

Tier/s of replays attached (example, Tier 1 and 5):
Names of replays corresponding to certain tiers (example, Tier 1/Badass):


Tier | requirements | clarification

T1 | improv, able to set up proper, can comeback proper, good in attacks, got wushu forethough movement | N/A

T2 | improv, able to set up proper, can comeback proper, good in attacks | N/A

T3 | improv, able to set up proper, can comeback proper | setting ortodox setups on fly and able to launch long low comebacks

T4 | improv, able to set up proper, can comeback somehow | setting ortodox setups on fly

T5 | improv, able to set up anyhow, can comeback somehow | N/A

T6 | improv, able to set up anyhow | | N/A

T7 | start improv | | N/A