Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Forum RPG (note, this RPG will contain mature content i.e. 'fuck'...woops)
As of late I've been far to busy to be RPGing on IRC, so I thought a good way to keep an RPG going for any length of time would be a forum based RPG, if anyone's interested then just post here, I'll start us off with a sci-fi-esc fantasy setting:
:Warning: gratuitous final fantasy rip off in progress...
(Note: Glossary at end of post.)

Plot basic premise:
....It's 492AS, on the planet Malan, it's been 14 years since the war of the outskirts ended, and while Malans government achieved victory, the king was worn bare by this, and his domain has crumbled, now forgotten soldiers of a wondering army look for purpose, and the people look for a leader.
....In a far off corner of the world, among a mountain chain in a sunny, peaceful university; "Dawn's Edge", we find untouched civilisation, where the students train to bare the harsh world. The headmaster Cid set up this university 20 years ago, and as a modern establishment the students are treated to the best of the best. Students will train until they are ready to work, and then they will earn money for the university and go out into the world on contract missions.
....You are to be one of these students.

Character requirements:
You can start making characters immediately, each player will be started by me (the GM) and all actions will be handled by me, to see examples of posts see below, I'm aware some of you guys might not have forum RPG'ed before, don't worry it's fun!

You need: (by the way don't use code tags for your char sheet, it's easier to read without them, I do it to save space.)
A biography, this needs to be over 2 lines long... It would be nice if you stated your:
-(+nickname if you want)
-(Student grade 1 or 2 or Teacher grade 1)
::Age, no older than 19.
-(average life span is 30 Malanian years)
::role in the war if your over 16 years old.
-(can include avoided or don't remember)
::Preferred weapon (guns, ranged, melee, fists, anything but spells basicaly, necessary.)
::Preferred colour out of : White, Red, Green, Blue, Black
::Second preferred colour (same list).
-colours effect specialities I.E.:
red = power and damage
blue = tact and tactics
green = agility and speed
white = holy and healing
black = zombie and death
::If you wish, a picture of your character, should you find one that works.
-(not essential, must be human)
::Note your past should not go further back than 4 years in the bio, apart from requested information.

Student / teacher rank:
 00:56  ~suomynona       • Vox: Student grades refer to what?
 00:57  @Vox             • the higher ranks have litter effect right now, but generally rank 2 student = no tutorial
 00:57  @Vox             • rank 1 teacher = you teach the rank 2 students

Example character, Vox (will not be used):
Vox; 13, Rank 1 Student, Red/Blue, Gunblade:
(notes on your character go here, Vox's weapon the gun-blade is both a gun, and a sword, and is a final fantasy favourite)
Vox has always been 'that kid', excited about what's next even when it's staring him right in the face, it's gotten him far however, never backing down from a challenge, he was brutally attacked 4 years ago, beating off 8 thugs. With a few scars Vox is to all appearance badass, but the moment you start talking to him you feel like "ya'know, Otaku is not that bad... or at least not THIS bad."
Despite his many flaws Vox manages to get along, and has just moved up to the university from college with a special trainer picked just for this kind of student, presumably one with more patients.

Example post, Vox vs EPIC SQUIGGOTH:
Vox whips out his pistols and fires several rounds into the beasts eyes, hoping to stun it, moving towards cover in the near by rubble. Once he arrives at cover he gets out his incendiary kit and starts work on a simple red mana bomb with a twist of more killing.
Notes on posts:
.You can have as many actions as you like, and you'll complete as many as you can in the order you say them.
.You can't have "ifs/buts" that rely on people or creatures (other than your self), instead you should write "dose x while anticipating his cover being blown" or such.
.Inventory checks are free, as are all other similar activities, however remember that if you put a check after an action, and that was the last thing you could do in that 'turn', they will get cut off, regardless of being free.
.Speaking is a free action.
.Be a badass (it's the only way to level up, no joke)
.Your only true stat is level, you start at level 1, all other stats are relative.
.Your allowed to assume some things because forum RPGing doesn't have to be perfect, if I have to mildly change the terrain for it to work, then so be it.

: A year in format: xAS is 'Advent of Seed', and refers to when the planet was seeded with life, a year on Malan is about 12 years on earth.
: For convenience all numbers will be in decimal, however the standard is base 16 since the great digital conversion some 200 years back, if you prefer to use base 16 just state so, if not I'll assume your in base 10.
: The planet Malan has several continents
Last edited by Vox; May 25, 2010 at 06:38 PM.

Malek, 0xF.
Rank 1 Student, Blue/Green.
Malek is the kind of person who has accidentally tricked himself into going to school, realized it, and thought it was somewhat smart of him. While normally carefree and as lazy as they come, Malek is perfectly happy to figure out innovative ways of wiping the floor with his opponents. Most of them involving making other more physically adept people do it for him. Don't suggest that his lack of direct ability is crippling however, he does actually know how to defend himself.
Malek's life has passed more or less without significant incident, but considering the nearly subconscious planning he puts into his life, it's not very surprising. Malek is a firm believer in gratuitous hexadecimal. 82532971540, Malek out.
Last edited by suomynona; May 25, 2010 at 02:08 AM.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Character accepted, a few notes for suomynona:

your best shot with spells are status effect spells, and water / wind based
you get 20 free 'mind' materia, 5 free 'water' materia, and 1 free 'black hole' materia
(don't worry about what this all means, I'll explain when you need to know guys!)
your get innate magic spells, you start with 'Blue lazer'
your teacher is 'Loar Tsumi'

a new thing was just added, you get to select your weapon from the get go, any weapon conceptual or not will work provided it is projectile or melee in nature, and can be hand held.
Last edited by Vox; May 25, 2010 at 06:35 PM.

Jositai [Jos]; Age 2
Rank 2 Student - Green/White
Jos is the assistant mechanic to local University's air brigades. Trained in all varieties of staved weapons, Jos carries with him a metal 5ft hooked staff for battle, movement and magic. As a flight mechanic, specialization in Wind and Healing (both robotic and biologic) was a given.
Jos is the man that gets things done. Generally behind the first wave, picking up the missed objectives or increasing momentum of the group. When alone, Jos has great crowd control and a swift defence to stay alive long enough for reinforcement.
Last edited by Monobi; May 25, 2010 at 08:21 PM.
"Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork."
Well, where to start. Name's Roos. He recently joined as a student, rank 2 at the moment. He's 14 years old, born as an orphan kid, at the end of the war. His father, Perviss, died fighting in the war, at age 28, while his mother, Ariesta, died while giving birth to him. He learned to fend for hisself on the streets of Shadehaven with his rusty dagger, until Cid found him.

Cid took Roos to the Dawn's edge university, where he gave Roos his favourite weapon, the Techsythe ( A sythe, with a ranged blaster attachment). The teachers trained him to specialise in 2 colour forms, blue, and black, to prepare him for the journey that he is about to embark on.
Last edited by Bilza; May 25, 2010 at 08:38 PM.
Originally Posted by Monobi View Post

Jositai [Jos]; Age 2
Rank 2 Student - Green/White
Jos is the assistant mechanic to local University's air brigades. Trained in all varieties of staved weapons, Jos carries with him a metal 5ft hooked staff for battle, movement and magic. As a flight mechanic, specialization in Wind and Healing (both robotic and biologic) was a given.
Jos is the man that gets things done. Generally behind the first wave, picking up the missed objectives or increasing momentum of the group. When alone, Jos has great crowd control and a swift defence to stay alive long enough for reinforcement.

Approved, now a couple of notes:
Starting materia:
you have knowledge of the fabled 'Renzokuboaori' attack.

Originally Posted by Bilza View Post
Well, where to start. Name's Roos. He recently joined as a student, rank 2 at the moment. He's 14 years old, born as an orphan kid, at the end of the war. His father, Perviss, died fighting in the war, at age 28, while his mother, Ariesta, died while giving birth to him. He learned to fend for hisself on the streets of Shadehaven with his rusty dagger, until Cid found him.

Cid took Roos to the Dawn's edge university, where he gave Roos his favourite weapon, the Techsythe ( A sythe, with a ranged blaster attachment). The teachers trained him to specialise in 2 colour forms, blue, and black, to prepare him for the journey that he is about to embark on.

Approved, your stuff:
You've developed your own finishing move; the Danmatsuma
Last edited by Vox; May 25, 2010 at 09:01 PM.
::GM warranted double post::

:Chapter 1:
Seeds of the garden.
It's cramming days at Dawn's Edge, as the students ready them selves for the exams, many still have guidance tests to pass before they can enter the exam, and deadlines draw close. Jositai finds him self walking back from the medical centre again, (he needs to stop hurting people so bad that he has to be the one to identify them) as some guy charges past him almost knocking him down "Sorry pal!" shouts the recognisable voice of Joos, they are all late for class again.
Jositai enters the class, and sees Malek is the only one not being scolded for being late, looks like there is a new teacher, who appears to be wearing a mask and long trench coat, you can't tell if that's a girl or not.
"My name is Loar, I'm your teacher from now on."
A few people whisper about the apparently Loar until Roos breaks the silence; "Yea, from now, that wont last lo..." Interrupted by a swift palm to the face as Jositai walks by.
Loar: "Because half of you couldn't fight you way out of a paper bag..." *loud murmurs from the class as Roos gets up* "I'll be taking, lets see here."
Loar looks at his notes, no one is quite sure how he is reading through his wooden mask.
"Jositai, Malek and Roos." *they all stand up, Roos a touch too fast almost jumping.* "Oh good." Loar responds, your not sure if that was sarcasm or not. "The rest of you stay here, I've sent for instructor Quistis to train you."

-A few moments later.-

The party arrive at the universities main gate.
Loar: "So I could walk you through what your about to go through, but I can't be bothered, so instead I'll just help when I feel like it, your mission is to enter Fire cavern and delve into it's depths, there are prises in there and it's the final guidance test for all of you, if you don't pass it with ease then I'll personally stamp a large red 'F' on your fore head then force you to do laps of the university. OH and normally you would be given a guardian force... I guess I should do at-least that."

Jositai receives: Quenzacotl
---This GF has a powerful Lightening attack, and specialises in elemental magic!
Malek receives: KGFS01
---This GF was synthesised, it has no attack, but specialises in elemental and status attack!
Roos receives: Shiva
---This GF's attack is ice cold, and specialises in defence!

Loar points at the cave entrance: "Go!" then promptly leaves.

Abilities gained from having a GF:

All GF's save for KGFS01 can be called into battle to aid you, but it's much slower than magic or normal attacks, the more you use a GF the faster it will be.

Everyone gains the DRAIN ability, you can sap materia from enemies or allys, and either store it, or cast it right there and then!

Jositai gains the CARD ability, and can turn low health enemies into cards on rare occasions, that can be refined into items or used.

Malek gains the SCAN ability, this allows him to scan an enemy for information on weakness etc.

Roof gains a constant +20% to his physical defence

What stats you can current junction materia to:
Jositai: Speed, Elemental Attack 1
Malek: Speed, Status Attack 1, Luck
Roos: Spirit, Wisdom (magic defence)

And the materia current is worth about the same, for you guys your x1 materia is worth about 10 of the x20 materia, so remember that the quantity in the lower grade materia is worth it. A particular stat can have a max of 100 materia of only one type junctioned. the x5 and the x1 are about equal, with the x1 as slightly less. relative: x20 = +40%, x5 = +25%, x1 = +20%

It would be wise to prepare your self!

You can choose to roam the near by forests, or grass lands, or go right for the fire cave. Note that once you enter the fire cave you can't leave untill you have made it to the end, and that going into the forests could prepare you for what awaits, if you wanna jump right in the forests are a good plan.

Don't forget you can talk to each other, a GM only has to moderate your post and confirm it when you interact with a hostile NPC or attempt to do something an NPC would disagree with, or engage in PVP.

Lets get going guys!
Last edited by Vox; May 26, 2010 at 02:09 AM.
Malek stands lazily, contemplating the perils of entering the cave and weighing it against the risk of killing small cute creatures in the forest. If someone could call an Elder Squiggoth cute. Knowing that whatever he'd end up fighting in the cave is less dangerous than the Elder Squiggoth in the forest, he find himself looking into the cavern's entrance.

"Figure we should just get the easy assignments over with first?" Malek asks towards the group.

(Also applying all mind materia to Luck stat as a preemptive character choice.)
Last edited by suomynona; May 26, 2010 at 02:11 AM.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Malek notices that the Mind materia has above average effect on his luck, when he rolls a die and it faces up with a picture of a Squiggoth.
Junction: Cura - Speed
Junction: Holy - Elem Att 1

Jos is eager to prove his part in the team and pass the final test. Weighing up the odds, the fire cavern would be a push over with preparations or not by the looks of things. Why else would this be one of the basic trials?

"I guess so.. Why delay ourselves with useless battles? There will be plenty of time for practice after the exam."

Vox, as I am a mechanic, is there any possibility of upgrading/creating weapons? Just a thought.
"Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork."