Original Post
Clan tourneys,Events, and Challenges.
Ok so this thread will be all the information on future Tourneys,Events, and challenges. You`ll look here to see if the clan is having any special Events going on.

Read the rules and how things are done before asking questions

Events- Events can range from winning a normal Promo-team tourney to Bounty hunting a friend (or foe). And the best part is anyone can suggest a event to be done just ask a clan mod or senior and we`ll make it happen depending if its reasonable or not of course.

Challenges- This May be a alternative way to rank up.The clan seniors and superiors will make up Different challenges for anyone to complete.Think of this has a achievement sheet for those of you who play TF2 or a trophy List for Xbox360 or PS3.They will vary from Easy challenges also known has Level 1 challenges to Extremely Hard challenges also known has level 5, And everything in between .

Tourneys! - All information for clan tournaments will be listed here as well, The info is Date,Time,Mod,Prize. and in some cases Belt limit. If you want to volunteer to be a host just ask a clan moderator and if we think your able to host a tourney without any problems then we will let you, Don't feel bad if we say no though because we may already have enough volunteers. Another thing, If we hear from the hosts about any bad behavior or bad sportsmanship you will get 1 strike after receiving two strikes you will be banned from the next 2 clan tourneys. 3rd strike and well your out.

So this clans first tournament will be on Thursday so everyone has had a chance to read this and the Time will be 9:00pm(not a minute later) Eastern Standard Time. You can Google a lot of time changers to see what time that is for you. Prize will be 5k. The host will be Polar.(polar let me know if you cannot be a host) Mod will be Judo . All belts are welcome. So ill see you all there Thursday Also the room will be named SFST. Gl to everyone
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
Want to join Vampire?
cant do that. 9 p.m EST is 3 a.m here (i have to get up 4:45 am and my gf would definitely kill me if i wake her) sry

how about 4 or 5 pm EST?

EDIT: oops u meant "let me know" like "pm me" right? sorry, delete post after reading
sorry for the double post
so, i proudly announce the winner of the first SFST tourney: no one else but the supposed to be host, myself lol
close second place: Varithmas
third place: Masterj05h
im going to post a best of in the replay section so check dem noa!
Last edited by buyakia; Mar 12, 2009 at 09:04 PM.