Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
oh man Failed Activity Check :: Pending Removal
[NO] invented activity checks and now look

you failed twice in a row

now you gotta die

fucking gynx

On the other hand, after you die I'll make you legendary since [NO] members have done a fucking ton for the community.

Will give you chumps a week before I kill the clan.
how the fuck did sigma live

fear please kill sigma too this is bull shit

also have fun with the backlash that comes with these checks xDDDDDDDDDDD

e: yeah well if u think ur a big guy fear see me in 5

e2: i mean tekken

e3: actually nevermind ur right im sorry

e4: i wanted to leave all along haha now ull say "but steve did u really" (u say "but steve, nando deska, did u really) why yes i did sigma poached me bye guys
Last edited by Gynx; May 24, 2017 at 01:51 AM.
collect snots from the nose