Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Hunters]Clan Bank
This is our Clan bank. The leaders and some elders have the password.

For donating, send an amount of tc to BankOfHunters.
You won't get it back.

If you want to request an amount of tc, fill this form:

Code: code:

Desired amount:
When will you pay it back?
Securities (A shop, boosters, valuable items):

You have to pay the amount of tc in the set amount of time. Being unable to do so will lead to an official warning.
The Leaders can refuse to give you a loan.

Bank Stats:

Donation History:

Since the 2011 forum hack this account's history has been screwed. This list hasn't been updated in a very long time, so it's a bit chaotic and incomplete. Nothing we can do with limited information.

Member: rainboweye
Amount: 100
Member: Skillz88
Amount: 5000
Member: lordtiger
Amount: 6000
Member: wiirus
Amount: 2200
Member: destiny
Amount: 10520
Member: KROOK
Amount: -2000
Member: Unknown / Maybe KROOK
Amount: -22.870
Member: rainboweye
Amount: 1000
Member: lordtiger
Amount: 5000
Member: wiirus
Member: assassin8r
Amount: 1631
Member: destiny
Amount: 20500
Member: SkulFuk [Returning KROOK's ordeal]
Amount: 24870
Member: XSpicaX
Amount: 2000
Member: SilentAssassin
Amount: 1000
Member: SilentAssassin
Amount: 1412
Member: wiirus
Amount: -30000 For the flame
Member: wiirus
Amount: 35000
Member: crick
Amount: 5541
Member: skywalkr
Amount: 5000
Member: ThePitcher
Amount: 9000
Member: PhantomXD
Amount: 9900
Member: SnipersFan
Amount : 900
Member: SilentAssassin
Amount: 10000
Member: GotKicks2
Amount: 450
Member: PhantomXD
Amount: 8500
Member: wiirus
Amount: 17333
Member: Furryprints
Amount: 1108
Member: Mccqa
Amount: 30000
Member: Oopyuman
Amount: 650
Member: Oopyuman
Amount: 300
Member: Oopyuman
Amount: 500

Loan History:
PhantomxD : 5,6k [Returned 6.6k]
rhyz : 10k [Paid]
KnifeKill : 3.7k [Paid]
Load : 3k [Paid by Mccqa; Jun 5, 2013]
Rhyz : 6.5k [Paid]
spitfired : 12k [Paid back 11.5k so far]
Doomjoshua : 3k [Covered by skywalkr]
edvis112 : 4k [Paid]
edvis112: 5k [probably never will be payed back]
PuReDeVil: 5k [Paid]
DonutFatal: 7k [Paid]
Lynx: 12k [Paid]
tay: 40k [Event]
vivezo: 20k [Paid by Mccqa; Jun 5, 2013]
PiePwn: 5k [Paid by Mccqa; Jun 5, 2013]
Nigma: 100k [Paid]

Current Amount of tc in the bank / Final result:

P.S. everyone who donated TC before we remade the forums might not be in the list, but don't worry. We still got the TC
Last edited by Furryprints; Jun 21, 2015 at 02:18 PM.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself: https://discord.gg/ZHdJfAT
Name: PiePwn
Desired amount: 5,000 ToriCredits(For SummerBash event)
When will you pay it back? Securites (A shop, boosters, valuable items): A month or so. I'll pay more than 5k most likely.

Sent. ~ Pitch
Last edited by Pitch; May 31, 2013 at 09:38 AM. Reason: boing
Ninjutsu Club.
Ninjutsu Club Leader.

Retired, at least for now.
Hello, I'll return back Vivezo's, Load's and PiePwn's debts (28.000Tc) , + 2.000Tc.
You've sent 30000 toricredits to BankOfHunters
Last edited by Mccqa; Jun 5, 2013 at 02:02 AM.
Name: Nigma

Desired amount: 100k

When will you pay it back? Not sure yet, but shouldn't be very long.

Securities (A shop, boosters, valuable items): I have some items/art that could get up to 100k.
Nigma Disconnected
Quit Game.
You sure can, but donated items are only useful when hosting tourneys, events and stuff like that. And I don't think we have someone who hosts tourneys from time to time in our clan D:
So If you're going to start hosting tourneys one day, these items might be usefull. Feel free to use them in any way.

You've sent Aqua force, Head Avatar, Head Texture, Radioactive blood, Radioactive DQ, Radioactive Emote Color, Radioactive force, Radioactive Ghost, Radioactive Grip Color, Radioactive Primary Gradient, Radioactive relax, Radioactive Secondary Gradient, Radioactive Timer, Radioactive Torso, Radioactive User Text, Uke Hair to BankOfHunters.

By the way, all radioactive trails haven't been transfered because our bank lacks QI, so does anyone need them?
I'll take em, will sell & donate.

Edit : Thread.

Edit2: Sold & donation sent.
Last edited by Nigma; Nov 29, 2013 at 06:22 PM.
Nigma Disconnected
Quit Game.