Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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[Sin]Member Life Stories
So since I posted mine Toribash life story l want to see all member Toribash history! So don't make up things that didn't happen! Be honest :P Maybe you can add some things that happened in real life! (example: I braked my leg so I was training MP all day or whatever )

(redoing the story)


I started playing toribash February/13/2009 i was wondering around youtube bored as hell. Then i saw the toribash 3.6 trailer violence Perfected I tho to myself damn that shit looks awesome, so I went and downloaded the game and made my first account - k9awsome. Then I forgot the pass 2 hours later and made another account - k9awsome1. I trained, made friends along the way then. I was invited to my first clan ever, the great and mighty carbon by Tajuddin47. Since I was kicking the asses of DeadAndForgotten(DAF), and they said I was not good enough to Join them, so I followed Tajuddin47 to a room where the leader of carbon(BigDucky). Was to say hi and to say I was the new member, he was a great leader. Then few months later I sold my first account 2 dan black belt for 20k(yes i was ripped off i was stupid back then). And shortly after then clan died and I was clanless. I stopped playing for a long period of time and when I finally came back, I ran into my old friend and old clan mate Dragenon. He was in a clan called DeathPlague(DP). We played for a while then he had to go so I went into another room with a player named Alert242, who asked me to join DP so I said I don't know maybe. So I tho about it and I said alright only if i can be a Co-Leader she accepted me and I joined DP. I made more friends had a lot of fun and was introduced to the Forums, but then one day I had to go away for 2 weeks and I made a joke where I said I could beat all of you win ratio has nothing to do with skill and when I got back i saw alert had suspended me from the clan for 3 months. I was outraged by that it was just a joke and so i left DP and was clanless for a while. Then I ran into my old friend Rfifan and he had the idea to make a clan which later would be known as Sin. He did not want to do any of the hard work so he told me I should be the leader so I said fine and I took it a while, but we finally got a name. Then I made a clan DSC and we started recruiting it. It was really hard at first but we finally got a few good members and from that point on our clan was on its way to successes. We finally where official. It seemed like a dream at first but it was not it is great, we have lost some members and recruited some new ones but all and all its how. You think a clan would be Well that's my toribash life story for now.

(Not finished! Do it Ulus!)


I found the game on youtube. When I first started, I was ok. I got an 18 win streak when I was a blue belt. At black belt I joined my first clan, DeathAvenger. I eventually got to Co-leader. But the clan died due to inactiveness. So I was fighting by myself for a few months. I've beaten as high as a custom belt. I've challenged a few clans by myself and I won a few times actually. Then I got bored and I hardly ever got on. But then I came back on and started looking for clans again and I found Sin!


I started around March or April, I was a decent player then, I knew all the controls, e.c.t.
My first friend was fighter13 (masterchief5 on youtube) and together westated [Shinobi]. We gained 62 members in all, and I made it to black belt in 4 weeks. After a while my members were inactive, I didn't have enough members left. I went searching for a new clan, and here I am. Afterwards I be-friended Kerlis. I tori-tutor him in SP replays.


The first thing I did when I started was make this account on the forums, so I started whenever it says I joined November, 2009. I had played a way earlier version of Toribash so I still knew a little bit. I worked my way around trying to play good and generally being nice to everyone :P(that's just my nature) I met Itachi and had a few good laughs, since then I had searched for his server just to hang around and be friendly. And then, BRO, I had that idea floating around and I met Rfifan and it somehow led me here, getting tutored by Itachi and still sucking as bad as when I started.


It all started.. when I was born, born to kick ass that is. It was a sunny summer day and I was slumped in my chair looking through the horrible games on youtube... I then stumbled across what looked like a ragdoll game that involved blood. So I decided to watch a few more.. From then on I download the game and was hooked ever since.. I was wondering through the game picking up belts fast.. And I didnt have any textures.. Until one day I got a prepaid credit card and decided to do a little shopping of my own... 100k tc that is.. Ive met many famous people throughout my game time.. and Ive defeated most players I faced.. I now reside in the brightest regions of Toribash.... Perfecting my running.. My fighting.. And Meeting Epic Clans... Like this one. And this ladies and Gentlemen Is my life story!

Attention!! - If your story is not added it will be added a bit later. I'm busy, I will do everything later.

It will be updated after your story! And original post will be deleted! Also I will check your story's grammar and punctuational mistakes!
Last edited by Uberis; Apr 23, 2010 at 10:30 PM.
I started aroundmarch or april, I was a decent player then, I knew all the controls, ect.
My first friend was fighter13 (masterchief5 on youtube) and together westated [Shinobi]. We gained 62 members in all, and I made it to black belt in 4 weeks. After a while my members were inactive, I didn`t have enough members left. I went searching for a new clan, and here I am. Afterwards I be-friended Kerlis. I tori-tutor him in SP replays.

Not much \o/
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

The first thing I did when I started was make this account on the forums, so I started whenever it says I joined under my avvy. I had played a way earlier version of toribash so I still knew a little bit. I worked my way around trying to play good and generally being nice to everyone :P(that's just my nature) I met Itachi and had a few good laughs, since then I had searched for his server just to hang around and be friendly. And then, BRO, I had that idea floating around and I met Rfifan and it somehow led me here, getting tutored by Itachi and still sucking as bad as when I started
i started playing toribash February/13/2009 i was wondering around youtube bored as hell. Then i saw the toribash 3.6 trailer violence unleashed i tho to myself damn that shit looks awesome. So i went and downloaded the game and made my first account k9awsome then i forgot the pass 2 hours later and. Made another account k9awsome1 i trained made friends along the way then. I was invited to my first clan ever the great and mighty carbon by Tajuddin47. Since i was kicking the asses of DeadAndForgotten(DAF)and they said i was not good enough to. Join them so i followed Tajuddin47 to a room where the leader of cabron(BigDucky). Was to say hi and to say i was the new member he was a great leader. Then a few months later i sold my first account 2 dan blackbelt for 20k(yes i was ripped off i was stupid back then). And shortly after then clan died and i was clanless i stoped playing for a long period of time and when. I finally came back i ran into my old friend and old clan mate Dragenon. He was in a clan called DeathPlague(DP) we played for a while then he had to. Go so i went into another room with a player named Alert242 who asked me to join DP so i said i don't know maybe. So i tho about it and i said alright only if i can be a Co-Leader she accepted and. I joined DP i made more friends had a lot of fun and was introduced to the. Forums but then one day i had to go away for 2 weeks and i made a joke where i said i could beat all of you win ratio has nothing to do with skill and when i got back i saw alert. Had suspended me from the clan for 3 months i was outraged by that it was just a joke and so i left. DP and was clanless for a while then i ran into my old friend Rfifan and he. Had the idea to make a clan which later would be known as Sin. He did not want to do any of the hard work so he told me i should be the leader so i said fine and it took. A while but we finally got a name then i made a clan DSC and we started recruiting it was really hard at first but we finally got a few good members and. From that point on our clan was on its way to successes we finally where official. It seemed like a dream at first but it was not it is great we have lost some members and recruited some new ones but al and all its how. You think a clan would be Well that's my toribash life story for now.
It all started.. when I was born, born to kick ass that is :P. It was a sunny summer day and I was slumped in my chair looking through the horrible games on youtube... I then stumbled across what looked like a ragdoll game that involved blood :3 So I decided to watch a few more.. From then on I download the game and was hooked ever since.. I was wondering through the game picking up belts fast.. And I didnt have any textures.. Untill one day I got a prepaid credit card and decided to do a little shopping of my own... 100k tc that is.. :3 Ive met many famous people throughout my game time.. and Ive defeated most players I faced.. I now reside in the brightest regions of toribash.... Perfecting my running.. My fighting.. And Meeting Epic Clans... Like this one :P And this ladies and Gentlemen Is my life story
Member since 2009.
hmm... Give me some time adding this! And correcting all mistakes in your stories! Still I wanned full toribash life story... with details 'n shit :P I will make my life story full! (We almost felled apart one time and gonna write about it) Give me this all day to finish my story! (And I have homework to do all past this week, because I was sick all week!)

edit: No emotions in stories please!
Last edited by Uberis; Jan 29, 2010 at 03:00 PM.
I found the game on youtube. When I first started, I was ok. I got an 18 win streak when I was a blue belt. At black belt I joined my first clan, DeathAvenger. I eventually got to Co-leader. But the clan died due to inactiveness. So I was fighting by myself for a few months. I've beaten as high as a custom belt. I've challenged a few clans by myself and I won a few times actually. Then I got bored and I hardly ever got on. But then I came back on and started looking for clans again and I found Sin!
My story started in august, 2007. I played the demo of toribash. I loved it but I couldn't afford to pay 20 dollars for the game. So I waited...and waited till October. When my cousin said that we can just download it and I was shocked. I downloaded it and made my account that is today Rfifan. I played almost everyday. up until april of 2008. My comp got a virus and I couldnt do anythng. So I got a new comp in october... two years after I downloaded it. I compleatly forgot how to play. Therfore I'm not too good as I was a year ago... So then Me and Carbonking found [Sin] and Thats my story..

now NEVER make something like that again...
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020