Original Post
Activity check?
How are we going to do that?

Like the other clans do it? (Ie. putting up a thread where you have to post once in a while to confirm that you're active)

Anyways, I'd really like to know how you've planned on doing activity checks.
Well, we've kinda just been doing a thing where we judge by whether we've seen them in a bit, but I realize that that won't work as our players branch out from Server 4...

So, yeah, we should probably get an activity sticky started.
Oh noes... Activity check :-0 um.. do we realy have to do that? coz i don't think i would remember that all the time... and sometimes i can't and sometimes i want to play other games :/ (bah... my spellings phail now)
If you've got a reason to be gone, then sure. Just post it and we'll note you down. "I wanna play something else for whatever time period" or "I'm going to Canada" or "My hampster died and I must mourn" or "I gave TB up for Lent" or whatever is fine. Just random absence isn't okay. We need to know you didn't just randomly decide to quit TB.
Also, if we see you in-game, that counts. We just need someone to say they saw you and talked to you, or whatever.
So i can fly with my retarded friends if i want to, and play other games (*phew im not totaly bound to Toribash by joining No) and aslong as i play atleast about.. once, twice in a week without telling it's fine?