Original Post
What does Pouffy even mean
So I've been putting off making this thread until I made a couple decent replays, but I realized that'd never happen so... now's as good a time as any. I wouldn't have made it at all if not for the prompting of a friend of mind... So thank/blame them for whatever happens here.

But, since I am here, I'd really appreciate some tips on how to improve. I'm pretty trashy right now so every little bit helps. - I made that one like... three weeks ago? Four weeks ago? It's terrible so you can ignore it. - This happened last week I think - Last week

Let the roasting begin.
The Twitches
opener is good, nice flow and speed
nice spin with your arm around 600
split looks weird, especially as you did it from the side - try to get it on the front / back directly
then it went straight into the decap, which is good and it went straight through the neck joint which is nice
i feel like the pose could be better and you could hold it and not fall over
apart from that it's all good
also it's not twitchy
Fuck me I give up
nice opener though around 295 your foot touches the ground and stops your flow
i like those kicks for the manip, it's really good, but try to get uke farther off the ground
the decap is good, but i'd prefer if you got it yourself insetad of the ground
that split at the end was awesome, with only 5 frames left and the positiong of the foot made it better, went right through.
i'll let you pass on the pose for this one
the opener is nice, if not a bit slow.
the split looks really powerful and nice, and the transition was great
you could of really gotten a decap around 310 with that kick up into the air
your launch into the air was great, and the arm DMs were sweet - though i see a slimc chance for a boom on the pecs and head
like how one of the elbows DMd on the floor there
that last slam kick was awesome, but that could of been a boom.
pose was nice

Overall, your style is nice, and your openers are long (I don't know if that's a good or bad thing)
You're not twitchy or jittery, which is a huge plus
your poses can be better
your poses are nice, but need practicing - try to stand up fully or do a unique pose like a hand stand
the DMs in your replays are nice, they're clean and hit the exact right point for them to DM, and they're powerful. but try to get more DMs (thats the only bad thing I can kind of say about your DMs)
also yaay someone called me their friend
Last edited by vhxs; Mar 8, 2016 at 01:20 PM. Reason: added conclusion
I've been waiting for a lot of people to come back or get into replay making, and one of them is you. Welcome!

Opener made me lol.
Spin was fine af.
398 reminded me of playing lenshu with you. Lol.
Didn't like the transition to the split.
Split was fine.
Double shoulder was fucking sexy.
Crotch...aim better, yeah?

Fuck me, I give up:
Holy shit. This is indeed better.
Opener was fine. A little stop with raising shoulders, that I did not like.
Launch was fine.
Little manip going was sexy.
Decap was finely put.
Holy shit, that transition to split was fucking gorgeous.
Split was k, could've boom'd it.

The twitches x.x:
Idrc about your twitches in this replay.
It's really entertaining to watch.
Opener, transition, DMs were all gorgeous.
Splintly 7/10

I want to see more of you. C: