Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Most unexpected/rediculous injuries
I'm curious what injuries some of you have sustained from stupid or dumb shit, for example my most recent absolutely baffling injury was coughing in a awkward position which fractured one of my ribs

Now shoot, share your most rediculous injury
Don't be afraid to pm me with any questions you may have.

Alternatively, you can dm me on discord username: Death29
While playing soccer with my friends at school I attempted a powerful kick but my supporting foot slipped, causing me to lose my balance and land hard on my tailbone. The impact resulted in a coccyx fracture and I couldn't sit for 2 years without pain
Former Admin, Smod, Market Squad, Clan Squad and Toriagent. If you got any questions please don't contact me, thank you!
I ate a pistachio so wrong that i stabbed the shit out of the roof of my mouth, which was bleeding heavily for hours. I went to the NHS hospital, where they just put gauze in my mouth and told me to wait. I waited for so long that I fell asleep for about 2 hours in the waiting room, and woke up to find that there still wasn't anyone to save me from this fate. I was a little lightheaded, but I just left at that point since it was 1am.

The world is a cold place like that. Even pistachios can take you out, but you can't let it stop you from living, and I didn't let it stop me from eating them; that's what Big Nut was trying to do to me. We all have a pistachio in our life, so bite down on it, knowing that it could stab you right back.
in 7th grade my friend group would stay inside the classroom during recess. me and my friend were hopping between desks like idiots and i hit my middle finger against the metal part of a desk and the bone was cracked. that was the first and last time i ever broke a bone, although it didnt reaaally break

i had to wear a cast and stayed at home for like two weeks, i remember playing kinectimals and cs2d although i couldnt move my hand. i think i got into toribash like a month later?
That was really bad sorry.
Someone tell me why this guy is highly respected by some people ???
Fell of a bicycle when I was a kid and split my nuts open on a stick or a rock idk, it didn't hurt that bad but I think the realisation that my nuts is what got it was worse than the actual injury

Looked over some boy's shoulder on a school trip and he accidentally stabbed me in the eyeball with a stick. Never went to the hospital or anything and it healed OK but ever since colours don't look the same in that eye lol

Slipped off of the top of a wet bus stop roof and landed funny on my arm, broke it and passed out I think. Friend was freaking out and I had to calm HIM down so he'd phone somebody for me lmao

Was playing tag in primary school and I was running backwards, tripped over a drain cover and the back of my head slammed into a rock, got a crazy concussion and my vision had been deepfried for the next few minutes

Kicked the edge of a sofa by accident when walking which snapped the nail of my big toe in half and angled it straight into the nailbed, was explicitly told to NOT rip it out but I could hardly sleep for two weeks so I just got mad and tore it off

Rocketed a soapy plate into my foot while doing the dishes and broke my toe, initially it was more funny than it was sore but the nail filled up with blood shortly after and the pressure was actually agonising, went to the hospital to see if they thought I might need it drained but instead they made me walk around for 2 hours and get an x-ray just to tell me that I had a broken too (which I fucking knew already bro), couldn't sleep that night either so I just heated up a needle and put a hole in the nail, slept like a baby after

Stayed up too long on a crane and it started raining, slipped while coming down and broke my foot

Some guy got mad at me in hockey for scoring a screamer and slammed the end of the stick into my chest, broke 2 ribs

Was helping my brother move a washing machine down the stairs and he dropped it on my arms breaking one of my elbows, that and the previous arm injury now means that my arm constantly fucking clicks lol

Used to share a room with my brother and at like 5-6 am I went into the wardrobe to get some clothes and I closed the wardrobe with my back cuz I was tryna stifle the sound of it locking, but it locked on my skin and he woke up and tore me off the door, pretty much lost all the skin on my back and I couldn't wear a shirt for weeks

Slammed my fist on my desk cuz I was mad at some game but my mouse was right under my hand and the skin of my pinky got pinched by the left-click I guess because when I looked at my hand there was a triangle shaped chunk of flesh missing lmao

Broke my tooth eating ice cream of all things, had to get a filling and the dentist put the filling in the wrong tooth so I now have 2 ruined molars instead of one

My friend leaned on my chair as I went to sit down which made it tip backwards, I missed the chair and I landed funny on my coccyx and it hurt to both walk and sit for weeks

My uncle accidentally sat on my hand and dislocated my ring finger, I thought the bump on my palm was some kind of infection and my doctor did too so they gave me cream for it and stuff but one day I got really mad at some shit and wanted to hurt myself so I pressed hard on it, and it popped back into place, dumb AF

When playing softball in school one of the kids let go of the metal bat after a crazy swing and it went flying into my head and knocked me out cold. I don't remember any of it but I got a free day off school so idc

Probably a million I'm forgetting about, I'm an injury-prone person
Last edited by tabby; Aug 16, 2024 at 10:13 PM.
i wanna use my forum vip but i cant for some reason
so i got up and went downstairs for food, i hit my funny bone in my elbow at full speed.

i was paralyzed for 5 seconds
static | toad (ormo) max | haku
i have never been injured or harmed because my body is divine and infallible
one time i stubbed my toe and it hurt a lot tho
Last edited by xmas; Aug 16, 2024 at 10:27 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
oh my god why am i so sexy !?
glancing through the smog in my deadtime
When I was a kid I had an idea, my room had a balcony, and the balcony was directly above the front door. Under the balcony there was some sort of platform which you could jump onto from the balcony.

My plan was to prank my mom by calling her name from my room, then jumping from the balcony onto that platform, then hanging down from the platform, and then jumping onto the floor so I can enter through the front door and surprise her.

The first part of the plan worked smooth, I jumped onto the platform just fine. But when I tried to hang from it, the moisture at the top made my hands slip. It was a 2.5-meter drop onto concrete, and I fell straight on my ass/tailbone. Then I just stumbled into my house and my mom didn't even notice I left - lowkey felt so disappointed in what I've done haha

I was lucky though cause besides not being able to sit down for 3 days I was fine, but if I landed half a meter further, I would have been impaled by a fence
print("Hello, World!")
my brother fractured his foot playing with my other brother, who was a toddler at the time
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592