Original Post
Let's Look At: The Chzo Mythos.
Those of nervous disposition, those scared of tall people, those who do not appreciate horror movies, those who were scared by Eversion, and those who do not want to believe in terrible monsters: These games are not for you.

For those who know exactly what the hell I'm talking about:

For those who don't:
Alright then. This post is about a set of 4 different games, 3 text adventures, 4 extremely short books, and a handful of scary people. Oh, and they're made by the same guy that does Fully Ramblomatic and Zero Punctuation. He's awesome.

The games, in order:
5 Days a Stranger
7 Days a Skeptic
Trilby's Notes
6 Days a Sacrifice

Play them in that order. They are not NUMERICAL. Heaven forbid someone plays 6 days directly after 5 days. It's not even in chronological order. Anyways.

5 Days a Stranger:
Meet Trilby, the Gentlemen Thief. He's a nice thief, only steals from those that don't need what he's stealing. The DeFoe lineage just passed away, and Trilby figures they don't need anything any more. And they have a mansion. A deserted mansion. Easy money.

Yeah. Right.

7 Days a Skeptic:
Meet Johnathon Somerset, Ship Psychologist. You're now on a spaceship called the Mephistopheles, on a deep space mission to find alien life. This is 400 years after the events in DeFoe Manor, and is completely unrelated. In fact, I don't know why these games are in the same series. No prize for guessing what's in the box.

Trilby's Notes:
What did I say about these not being in chronological order? Well, Trilby's Notes is set 4 years after 5 Days a Stranger. You're back with Trilby as he hunts down mysterious artifacts, all of which are completely relevant to the story. In a perfectly nice extremely scary hotel. Oh. Beware the Tall Man.

6 Days a Sacrifice:
By now, you should have some clue of what's going on. However, this will take everything you know and smash it against a brick wall. And then clean the brick wall by wiping it off with your brains. You're now a building inspector, Theodore DaCabe. The time is exactly between 5 Days a Stranger and 7 Days a Skeptic, and Theodore DaCabe is currently inspecting a Scientology Optimology headquarters for evidence of illegal construction. Shortly after arriving, he falls down an elevator shaft and breaks his neck. You get to play as him. He's very slow. Sorry.

Still, very good ending. Play it for the ending. You won't regret it.

A Note for those who actually read this far:
The special editions are free at time of posting. Remember to get them, author commentary is worth it. On your second playthrough. Unless you're a spoiler loving bitch.

For spoiler loving bitches:
And then the Prince was once more the Arrogant Man, and the Arrogant Man knew the name of the King.
The very last ending. In case you didn't understand it when you played through it normally. Which you should have. Because it's awesome.
Last edited by suomynona; Apr 16, 2010 at 02:39 AM.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!