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What ever happened to The clans in toribash?
I remember a land long ago where there used to be very few toriclans, there were about 13 official clans when I arrived. If there was a new clan, they had to have been around for a reasonably long time, and have to be approved be senior members of the community and pass a vote to become an official clan.

Today there are many clans, this was obviously going to happen, because when the game became free the forum population rocketed, resulting in more players wanting to dreate clans than befor, thus there being more clans becoming official than before. My point is, that despite this, i still think the amount of clans that there are is a bit ridiculous, and i think it has become a bit too easy to become an official clan. It took clans like freelance quite a while to become official, but now we have new clans poppoing up from out of nowhere thet nobody has ever heard of and that have only exsisted for a short amount of time. It seems that all one has to do to get an official clan these days is get about 10 members, create a thread that proves you are worthy (to be honest it only needs to prove that your clan is not comprised of completely unintelligent drooling gellatinous fools), and pay 20kto Manbreakfast, and then wait a while before you have an official clan.

I think that we are getting too many clans, and there maybe needs to be a rethink about how thorough the "officialising" process is(although i dont think it should be as strict as it used to be), ok, there are arguments against what i have said, for example, there should be room for expansion within the game, but i think that the arguments are not substantial enough to completely crush my argument.

Please note, that I think ManBreakfast has a tough job to do, and he is a great guy, and i really apreciate the work he has had to put into clans over the time he has been in charge, i just think that we need to be more selective about appointing new official clans.

What do you lot think.
Despite clan NO having used the current system to get in pretty quickly, I'm pretty sure that Delaid and I preferred the old system of officialization. I'm definitely in agreement that it's *very* easy to become official these days.

The old system felt a little more... official, made you feel actually recognized and accepted by the community, y'know?

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
Despite clan NO having used the current system to get in pretty quickly, I'm pretty sure that Delaid and I preferred the old system of officialization. I'm definitely in agreement that it's *very* easy to become official these days.

The old system felt a little more... official, made you feel actually recognized and accepted by the community, y'know?

I was reffering to a system older than the one you are thinking about. Back then you couldn't even apply to become an official clan, it was more like being accepted by the people with power to be a clan worthy of becoming official then facing a poll to decide your fate. This system would not work in todays' toribash society at all, but i do think that it was a good system when it was in place.
I agree with blam, theres a few clans that ive never heard of in there (parrot fid soulless). Most of the other clans in there that were added durring the polling or admin approval most people know who they are.
Yeah I hate how many official clans there are. I especially hate some of the crap clans that are getting official. I was gonna make a thread about this myself but ronalds saved me the trouble.
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Originally Posted by ronalds View Post
I was reffering to a system older than the one you are thinking about. Back then you couldn't even apply to become an official clan, it was more like being accepted by the people with power to be a clan worthy of becoming official then facing a poll to decide your fate. This system would not work in todays' toribash society at all, but i do think that it was a good system when it was in place.

Ah ha, that did sound good. I think the polls were a better system than the current one however, since it at least offered a chance of failure for clans that clearly don't deserve officiality. The current system, as you said, makes it far too easy for a bunch of... well, idiots, to get together and become official.

Perhaps a poll, and if you are accepted by the community as well as the "Man Upstairs" then you pay a fee to get forums, server, etc.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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The current systems fails so much. There are far too many clans. It's so easy to become official, a clan be official within a day of it being created... Go back to it being hard to become official, as more than half the current clans don't deserve officialness.
the above statements are all true
<Shlimby> lol, no Ad, just stop seeing those melons
<ADTerminal> Sure
<Shlimby> and dont take them into ur bed at night
<ADTerminal> But it's where I keep them warm