Original Post
Come on, guys.
EeE33: Last Activity: 5 days ago
weed33: Last activity: 6 days ago
Nick96: Last Activity: 2 weeks ago

You have 2 active members.

You've gotta step it up, or you're gonna die.

T1cux: clan have eggs.
Runescape is taking over nick's life. and weed and E have school, as do I.

We're getting more people, but more game-centered people. I'm not sure what to do.
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.
no i play multiple games and it just takes a while
got toribash, combat arms, runescape, and minecraft
i have been lurking btw
well my computers broken so i can only do stuff when im at my grans house. its gonna be a good few months before i get a new one
[Pure], wanna join?
if your active, just post in threads or make a new one.
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.