Original Post
[Mr.] Funny things thread
This thread is for silly irc things, I think I'll start with this guy.

Text log 1

Text log 2

Text log 3

Last edited by Eureka; Sep 3, 2012 at 02:27 PM.
* MMDES222 ( has joined #support
[13:47:19] <MMDES222> How to add a brother to the game to make it (mc)
[13:50:05] <@Stellar> What the fuck did you just say to me

Kristis133 is better than me
Tim, you have done the right thing. You could have got raped or something.
Shit. Sorry about my post, this is for IRC stuff.
Last edited by Picasa; Jul 12, 2012 at 06:36 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
PS: eureka sux
* MMDES222 ( has joined #support
[13:47:19] <MMDES222> How to add a brother to the game to make it (mc)
[13:50:05] <@Stellar> What the fuck did you just say to me

Kristis133 is better than me
[18:28] <Eureka> whatever happened to guv_na
[18:28] <Blam> dead
[18:28] <Eureka> how is that
[18:28] <Blam> bees

[18:04:54] <aracoon> Eureka is a powerhungry fag
[13:13] <Eureka> also dota is kinda for pigfuckers
[13:13] <jalis> ban eureka
[13:13] <jalis> thanks
[09:01:47] <04&Tim> You have to wait
[09:01:59] <04&Tim> I forget when they restock, but they should restock today
[09:01:59] <Incitec> ^
[09:02:10] * Incitec was kicked by Tim (Being useless)
[09:02:10] * Incitec (androirc@5F7D34CC.9B9FCF74.C5AE3C67.IP) has joined #support
[09:02:18] * Tim sets mode: +bb Incitec!*@* *!*@5F7D34CC.9B9FCF74.C5AE3C67.IP
[09:02:18] * Incitec was kicked by Tim (standard auto-rejoin ban (246))

[09:02:32] <Incitec> Fuck this
[09:02:42] <Incitec> "Friend"
[09:02:44] * Incitec (androirc@5F7D34CC.9B9FCF74.C5AE3C67.IP) has left #mr. (AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( Im totally a chicken ))
[11:03:47] * Shigechio (webchat@C5DA43CA.556E9C09.7847CB35.IP) has joined #mr.
[11:03:51] <Shigechio> Tim
[11:03:55] <Shigechio> meritorious is a faggot
[11:04:06] * Shigechio (webchat@C5DA43CA.556E9C09.7847CB35.IP) has left #mr.
[11:29:17 AM] luke .: /join #x

Session Start: Thu Sep 06 11:29:35 2012
Session Ident: #x
03[11:29:35] * Now talking in #x
03[11:29:35] * Topic is 'x'
03[11:29:35] * Set by Shigechio on Thu Sep 06 03:10:59
00[11:29:42] <Tim> Hi
03[11:29:51] * Klux (webchat@C5DA43CA.556E9C09.7847CB35.IP) has joined #x
03[11:29:58] * Klux is now known as Shigechio
[11:30:06] <+PTDx> Hello
00[11:30:12] <Tim> You're probably just going to ban me right?
03[11:30:12] * ChanServ sets mode: +qo Shigechio Shigechio
[11:30:18] <02~Shigechio> No
[11:30:19] <+PTDx> I can't.
00[11:30:20] <Tim> Make me feel how you do or something
[11:30:24] <02~Shigechio> I'm not a dumbass
00[11:30:25] <Tim> Because that'd be rather silly
[11:31:38] <02~Shigechio> We're just
[11:31:44] <02~Shigechio> saying that Meritorious is a fag
[11:32:53] <02~Shigechio> both irl and on the internet
[11:33:26] <02~Shigechio> Also PTDx
[11:33:29] <+PTDx> What
00[11:33:35] <Tim> PTDx is a fag
00[11:33:36] <Tim> clearly
00[11:33:39] <Tim> I mean
00[11:33:43] <Tim> He started a load of bullshit
00[11:33:53] <Tim> so I fail to understand how meritorous is a fag
04[11:33:54] <+PTDx> I find that amusing coming from you, Tim.
[11:34:11] <+PTDx> Highly.
[11:35:28] <02~Shigechio> If you can call PTDx a fag,
[11:35:33] <02~Shigechio> what does that make you?
00[11:36:01] <Tim> If you both can call meritorous a fag
00[11:36:06] <Tim> what does that make both of you?
00[11:36:18] <Tim> I'm just returning the favor
04[11:36:32] <+PTDx> [16:33] <Tim> PTDx is a fag
[11:36:38] <+PTDx> I don't see Shigechio's name there.
[11:37:00] <+PTDx> Faggot. That felt good.
00[11:37:31] <Tim> Right well
00[11:37:34] <Tim> I'm done with this
00[11:37:38] <Tim> you both clearly have no point to make
[11:37:40] <+PTDx> Kgtfo
00[11:37:45] <Tim> so I have no reason to be here
Session Close: Thu Sep 06 11:37:46 2012
later, on skype [11:38:59 AM] luke .: gg
aha, ha ha ha ha
Last edited by Tim; Sep 6, 2012 at 05:46 PM.
* MMDES222 ( has joined #support
[13:47:19] <MMDES222> How to add a brother to the game to make it (mc)
[13:50:05] <@Stellar> What the fuck did you just say to me

Kristis133 is better than me
[15:03] <sickreka> hanz0: im reading through the hanz0 hate thread in HoS and i find it both hilarious and slightly confusing that you are the only one who gets this much hate
[15:04] * jalis_ (Jalis@AC5F07BF.CF52588D.E213E035.IP) Quit (Quit: Lähdössä)
[15:04] <Onzu> sickreka: No one hates hanz0. Hanz0 in the other hand..
[15:04] <Onzu> That douchebag.
[15:04] <Onzu> Tsk tsk.
[15:06] <%siku> pffft
[15:06] <%siku> i used to get almost as much hate
[15:06] <%siku>
[15:09] <%siku> sickreka: amount of hatemail and amount of work at least used to go hand to hand
[15:10] <sickreka> well
[15:10] <sickreka> see
[15:10] <sickreka> youre different
[15:10] <sickreka> in the way that you actually suck dick
[15:10] <%siku> rude
[15:10] <sickreka> whereas hanz0 does not
[15:10] <sickreka> not rude
[15:10] * siku sets mode: +b *!*@AACB2475.57691752.4BA5ABE7.IP
#toribash You are banned (#toribash)
[15:10] <%siku> rude
[15:10] <%siku> RUDE
[15:10] <%siku> eureka go be tripstone's e-girlfriend
[15:10] <%siku> lmao

[18:04:54] <aracoon> Eureka is a powerhungry fag
[13:13] <Eureka> also dota is kinda for pigfuckers
[13:13] <jalis> ban eureka
[13:13] <jalis> thanks
[10:43] <Eureka> shit
[10:43] <Eureka> i am
[10:43] <Eureka> trying
[10:43] <Eureka> to watch
[10:43] <Eureka> bladerunner
[10:43] <Eureka> highlights everywhere
[10:44] <Tarlan> Eureka: just swicth off your highlites
[10:44] <Assazin> Eureka: Switching off your highlights is a good idea
[10:44] <Eureka> haha
[10:44] <Eureka> fuck off
[10:44] <Assazin> so Eureka doesn't see the highlight message
[10:44] <Assazin> understood Eureka?
[10:44] <ChuckNinja> yeah eureka
[10:44] <Eureka> hahahaha
[10:45] <ChuckNinja> do you udnerstood it, eureka?
[10:45] <Tim> Yes Eureka turning off your highlights would be a good idea
[10:45] <Eureka> fuck you guys
[10:45] <ChuckNinja> eureka, how are you today
[10:45] <Assazin> l0l
[10:45] <ChuckNinja> eureka, don't be so mean
[10:45] <Eureka> eureka eureka eureka eureka eureka eureka eureka eureka
[10:45] <Eureka> etc
[10:45] <Eureka> ok now stop
[10:45] <ChuckNinja> ok eureka

I can't do anything with this shit.
[18:04:54] <aracoon> Eureka is a powerhungry fag
[13:13] <Eureka> also dota is kinda for pigfuckers
[13:13] <jalis> ban eureka
[13:13] <jalis> thanks
[10:51:57] <Eureka> k
[10:51:59] <Eureka> taking a shit
[10:52:00] <Eureka> brb
* MMDES222 ( has joined #support
[13:47:19] <MMDES222> How to add a brother to the game to make it (mc)
[13:50:05] <@Stellar> What the fuck did you just say to me

Kristis133 is better than me
On felix

<Tim> felix
<Tim> bout to jump
<APBreka> what
<APBreka> ohohoh
<Eureka> aaaa
<Eureka> its not loading
<Eureka> shit
<Tim> sux
<Tim> OMG
<Eureka> UFCK
<Eureka> FICL
<Eureka> FUCL
<Eureka> FUCK
<Tim> he's tumbling
<Tim> nah just kidding
<Tim> he hasn't jumped yet
<Eureka> :s
<Eureka> jfdlsfkldlsakf
<Eureka> whwen does he
<Tim> door opened
<Tim> omg
<Eureka> fuck
<Eureka> yooouuu
<Tim> Dude hurry the fuck up
<Eureka> its
<Eureka> not
<Eureka> fucking
<Eureka> loading
<Tim> I'm pretty sure he's about to jump
<Tim> like within 2 minuts
<Tim> minutes
<Tim> oh god
<Tim> He's on the platform thing
<Tim> DUDE
<Eureka> IT LOADED
<Eureka> YUS
<Tim> dude
<Tim> I'd be so fucking terrified
<Tim> Fuck
<Tim> that
<Eureka> holyshitholyshit
<Tim> shit
<Eureka> my fear of heights
<Eureka> kicking in
<Tim> I have a fear of heights as well
<Tim> I road the highest fastest longest roller coaster in the south east
<Tim> 300 something feet in the air
<Tim> I was freaking out
<Tim> holy shit
<Tim> that's high
Felix jumps.
<Eureka> vgjdfsghsdadhsadskad
<Eureka> fgsdhgfjkhjfio;h56jyh9065jhe560h
<Tim> slkfnlksndf
<Eureka> holy fuck
<Tim> yeah
<Tim> oh god
<Tim> look at that shit
<Tim> it makes me want to puke
<Eureka> jesus fucking christ
<Tim> the amount of insanity
<Tim> of this guy
<Tim> waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over 9000
<Tim> holy shit
<Eureka> oh my god
<Tim> fuck that shit man
<Tim> about to break the sound barrier
<Tim> he's tumbling
<Tim> shit dude
<Tim> there we go
<Eureka> dude
Corrects his tumbling.
<Eureka> YES
<Tim> wonder what it feels like
<Tim> to be a human being
<Tim> and break the mother fucking sound barrier
<Tim> oh fuck
<Tim> did you understand that?
<Eureka> no
<Eureka> what
<Eureka> did he say
<Tim> his visor
<Eureka> what about it
<Tim> fogging up
<Tim> or smoking up
<Eureka> :O
Shoot opens.
<Eureka> daaammmnnn
<Eureka> shits nuts
<Tim> I would have shat myself
<Eureka> same
<Tim> and thrown up
<Tim> and pissed myself
<Eureka> i wouldnt do that
<Eureka> unless i had no will to live
<Tim> no fucking way dude
<Tim> well yeah
<Tim> that'd be a hell of a way to go out
<Eureka> fuck yeah
<Tim> just don't pull your chute
<Eureka> lol
<Eureka> dude
<Eureka> that guy just freefell from space
<Tim> though
<Eureka> at 700mph
<Tim> I KNOW
<Eureka> what the fuck
<Tim> god damn
<Eureka> am i doing with my life
<Tim> But yeah
<Tim> If you wanted to die
<Tim> by the time you got up there
<Tim> You'd be so terrified
<Tim> You'd want to live
<Eureka> LOL
<Eureka> probably
<Tim> and then
<Eureka> and when you got out of it alive
<Eureka> youd love life again
<Tim> You'd have to jump anyways
<Tim> dude
<Tim> shut the fuck up
<Eureka> why
<Tim> everyone knows how a parachute works
<Eureka> :<
<Eureka> wait
<Eureka> well yeah
<Eureka> when did i say otherwise
<Tim> not you
<Eureka> oh
<Eureka> haha
<Tim> holy fucking shit
<Eureka> jesus chrisdt
<Tim> free fall from the edge of the atmosphere
<Tim> and landing safely
<Eureka> fucking hell
<Eureka> i dont even know
<Eureka> god bless that magnificent bastard
<Tim> seriously
<Tim> if there's a god
<Tim> He's cursing at him
<Tim> because he's broken bounds that should not be broken.
Two members of his family, women, kiss each other.
<Tim> hey
<Eureka> hey
<Tim> lesbian action
<Eureka> i know
<Tim> did you catch that shit
<Eureka> just saw that
<Eureka> fuck yeah
<Eureka> that was funny

Last edited by Eureka; Oct 15, 2012 at 01:29 AM.
[18:04:54] <aracoon> Eureka is a powerhungry fag
[13:13] <Eureka> also dota is kinda for pigfuckers
[13:13] <jalis> ban eureka
[13:13] <jalis> thanks