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i'm lossing my razzle dazzle
PLEASE HELP ME!!! i was playing against a guy on level settings that were comfortable for me. Then he shows up and kicks my little pink waffles syrups out of the park and i lost to him . usually i would of beat him but wtf is wrong with me. plz tell me stratigies in long range combat and close range. plus im not a noob, i know all the basics and "advanced" stuff.
Have you ever wondered what a pink waffle would look like? http://*******/NfTqyv
ima noob myself but im a pro somehow i can beat 10th dans etc but it all goes down to your focus in battle and to out smart your enemy in close range in long range try to run your little ass as fast as u can get to him he will 80% do a flip and kick if so dodge it and rip his head if not then its possible to try your hardest
Originally Posted by BoxLlama View Post
ima noob myself but im a pro somehow i can beat 10th dans etc but it all goes down to your focus in battle and to out smart your enemy in close range in long range try to run your little ass as fast as u can get to him he will 80% do a flip and kick if so dodge it and rip his head if not then its possible to try your hardest

Lmao - at "Im a noob but pro somehow"
Lol - at everything else
Its not that easy.

Anyways - Practice makes perfect.
Play with uke in various different mods.
You'll eventually get better and better


Originally Posted by BoxLlama View Post
ima noob myself but im a pro somehow i can beat 10th dans etc but it all goes down to your focus in battle and to out smart your enemy in close range in long range try to run your little ass as fast as u can get to him he will 80% do a flip and kick if so dodge it and rip his head if not then its possible to try your hardest

K, for one, this post is completely false (no offense).

Two, belt doesn't matter. Take for example LastGod, who practiced in Free Play for two months before joining and was at a pro level of skill when he was a green belt.

Three, if you're playing against pros at long range, they won't flip and kick 80% of the time. They'll know to use the best moves against your own, so they'll only use a flip and kick if you leave yourself open at the high places, which, if you are as good as you say, you should usually not do.

To go along with what Tekro said, remember the three Ps: practice, patience, perseverance. No matter where or what you play, they will always do the trick.
heres my style
at close range just keep attacking at far range like
wushu evade and counter most wushu players will come
jumping at you at second frame so just try to counter him hope this helps.
Originally Posted by pinkwaffles View Post
PLEASE HELP ME!!! i was playing against a guy on level settings that were comfortable for me. Then he shows up and kicks my little pink waffles syrups out of the park and i lost to him . usually i would of beat him but wtf is wrong with me. plz tell me stratigies in long range combat and close range. plus im not a noob, i know all the basics and "advanced" stuff.

Close range: In close range, what I try doing is climbing on my ennemies back in mods were dismemberement isnt easy (aikido for example) If its a mod were its easy to dismember (example: judo) the best tactic is to give brutal swings with hands and feets, because it usually ends up in who is the quickest. Your first dismemberement should be an arm or a foot, but if you get the opportunity to give a kick on the stomach/chest/abs/ do it

Long range: The best tactic to use in long range is to start off with an opener that fits your style, so either you use a defensive opener (if your opponent uses noob moves, use this, defensive usually is consisted of a head and body protection) or offensive (usually a kick is ideal) Try, with a kick if possible, to hit either joints, head or chest.

Thats about it

Originally Posted by BoxLlama View Post
ima noob myself but im a pro somehow i can beat 10th dans etc but it all goes down to your focus in battle and to out smart your enemy in close range in long range try to run your little ass as fast as u can get to him he will 80% do a flip and kick if so dodge it and rip his head if not then its possible to try your hardest

You just used an oxymoron. You cannot be a noob pro.
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Dude, you joined last month. It's ok to lose once in a while.
I'm 7'th dan, I loose too. Anyways, as Rayleigh and Tekro said, just keep practicing.
And mods as Judo is a lot about luck, so it doesnt make your skill, if you loose in a mod like that. I suggest you play mods that depends more on skill, like lenshu/ninjutsu, or aikido.

Keep practicing every day and you might become Toribash's new beast.
[Fr3styL]|TNT|Rooyall: Wanna smell my dick? Me: Why not? Rooyall: That's what I ask the girls all the time..
Understand your strengths and thier weakness.
You have to look at things that work well for you. Use that abilty against your oponents.
Personally Im best with turnovers/ flips and midair counters. So if some lifting fag tries to lift me out of ring I can counter him.
Originally Posted by NinjaBent View Post
Dude, you joined last month. It's ok to lose once in a while.
I'm 7'th dan, I loose too. Anyways, as Rayleigh and Tekro said, just keep practicing.
And mods as Judo is a lot about luck, so it doesnt make your skill, if you loose in a mod like that. I suggest you play mods that depends more on skill, like lenshu/ninjutsu, or aikido.

Keep practicing every day and you might become Toribash's new beast.

why do people say that just because i joined toribash community last month doesnt mean im a noob. Im close to the top 20 spot in toribash wii. 2th dan,6,425 qi points. Im not striking out at you im just saying.
Have you ever wondered what a pink waffle would look like? http://*******/NfTqyv