Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
German Lesson
Count come here and teach us
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
well, already answered cozza in the free chat, but that pretty much where I would start anyway ;)
so here it is:

@cozza: well, that's pretty hard because I dont know how to start a lesson about learning a language since it's different from where you start. But for now there's one thing I could explain you.
The present tense: It's very important because you will face it very often in the daily life.
The endings are: -e, -st, -t, -en, -t, -en and you build it from the radical (lieb-)
for example:
lieben (to love):
Ich liebe
Du liebst
ER/Sie/Es liebt
Wir lieben
Ihr liebt
Sie lieben
polite form: Sie lieben

But: there are plenty of exceptions, like all over the german language ;)
For example: "haben" and "sein"

1. pers. sing.: ich habe
2. pers. sing.: du hast
3. pers. sing.: er/sie/es hat
1. pers. pl.: wir haben
2. pers. pl.: ihr habt
3. pers. pl.: sie haben
polite form: Sie haben

1. pers. sing.: ich bin
2. pers. sing.: du bist
3. pers. sing.: er/sie/es ist
1. pers. pl.: wir sind
2. pers. pl.: ihr seid
3. pers. pl.: sie sind
polite form: Sie sind

Anyway, we'll come later to them.
For now I want you to tell me the different forms of "versuchen" in the present tense.
Hmm, Count, why don't we just TRY to speak German instead? We just speak in German and write below what we try to say in English. And if we're wrong, correct us. I never learn from looking at stuff like this D:

Just for example:

Ich verstehe nichts, Entshuldigung.

I don't understand anything, sorry.
yeah, that would be what I wanted to do afterwards
This post is related to cozza who asked for basic grammar. For now we can talk in german and give the english translation, so you have a direct compare.

Ja, das wollte ich später machen :
Der Eintrag war an cozza gerichtet, der nach der Grundgrammatik gefragt hat. Fürs erste können wir in Deutsch reden und die englische Übersetzung mitgeben, so dass ihr einen direkten Vergleich habt.

@Jorrei: Scheinbar verstehst du schon was, sonst könntest du mir ja nicht auf Deutsch antworten ;)

@Jorrei: Obviously you understand a bit, because you couldnt answer me otherwise ;)
I think I answered in the chat thread. Hopefully I was correct ;P.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
I already replied you. You forgot the plural But nevermind, how about just talking here in german for training-reasons? So what did you do in the last few days guys?

Ich habe dir schon geantwortet. Du hast den Plural vergessen Aber egal, wie wäre es, wenn wir hier einfach, zum üben, Deutsch reden? Also, was habt ihr in den letzten Tagen so gemacht?
Out of that, I see plural is the same in both languages. Tagen so gemacht means what did you do in the last few days? Alright.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
almost, the "was habt ihr in den letzten Tagen so gemacht?" would be "what have you done in the past few days". But "Tagen so gemacht" itself means something like "days done"
Btw: the "so" is just an informal addition, nothing you need to learn in order to succeed ;)
Wait, also is a word in German? I didn't know ;P.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.