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official org/official clan
If I join an official organisation, does that mean I get the orginisation tag in-game? e.g [TA] (team aikido)

and btw, whats the difference between organisation and clan? do clans get special privleges? (wrong spelling)
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organizitions have specific goals and aims.
clans are teams of players who have fun and are friends together.

You can wear the tag of an org ingame if you want to. It is mostly not required.
Most clans will want you to wear their tags ingame.

Both clans and orgs can get own boards to discuss things.
It is far more difficult for a org to become official though.
How are you?
Yeah, so if you want to make some friends, you should apply for a clan and then you could do events, or just talk about random stuff together. But I'm not sure if you wear an org tag because I have never seen anyone wear one.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
organizitions have specific goals and aims.
clans are teams of players who have fun and are friends together.

You can wear the tag of an org ingame if you want to. It is mostly not required.
Most clans will want you to wear their tags ingame.

Both clans and orgs can get own boards to discuss things.
It is far more difficult for a org to become official though.

that isnt possible anymore, due to the fact most people just created clans on a whiff and joined clans without the clan knowing.

tags are now exclusive to toriclans. and you cannot add youre own tags ingame.
You cannot wear an organization tag in-game, whether it's official or not. Though, in a clan if it's official you can in fact wear the tag In-game. The difference between a clan and an organization is simple, clans are there for people to band together and compete in clan competitions and play the game and have fun with the rest of the clan. Organizations are created to help towards a certain cause, such as possibly helping others. It is also acceptable to be in multiple organizations but in clans it's different and in most cases you're not allowed to multi-clan.
what am i doing here