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[e] Suggestions Box

If you have any suggestions and would like to voice your opinions, please do so here. This is NOT a place to complain about random things. ("Random" is defined by moderator and is at their digression.) This IS a place to present your ideas for constructive criticism and possible implementation. All ideas must be in regards to the clan. This includes suggestions for leadership.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Yoho, I was actually thinking about this today.

My idea is this: a way in which members can communicate with each other other than these forums, reliably and quickly.

I was thinking this could be useful if there were any important messages or updates, or in the event of a spontaneous war. It could also help members to get to know each other as a community.

With this in mind, I have found an app which seems to be perfect for the job. It is called Discord. It is available on Google Play, I'm not sure about the Apple store.

It features a server-based chat room, with the ability to both text-chat and voice chat. You can choose a username, and all that's needed to register is an e-mail account. It's also free. Win.

So yeah, that's my suggestion, tell me what you think.

Mush luvs, Mylk
Thanks for the idea, at moment, we're still working in the recruitment thing. But anytime soon we shall use irc or even skype.
I think Skype is a good idea as much as I hate just not talking by posting on the forum. xD
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
also i had an idea about a logo. we could like all participate to make one logo. every member would have to put one thing in it ( need to be approved by leaders for a proper symbol lol )

same concept as tgs did.

if we were going to do it, i would say to have a firm list of active player, so we dont have to change it too much.
no u

Would be nice if you showed the concept, i don't like tgs board so i don't even check.
But yeah, everyone would have to agree and still we don't have a lot of active members yet. =/
sadly it seem they deleted it or i'm blind and i can't find it. but yeah of course it wasn't a project for now, more like later on.
no u