Original Post
New movie coming out in April. Trailer looked exceptional i want to know what you guys think of it, based on the trailer.

bring back wibbles
meh-ish but I suppose it could be good
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awww man i thought it was a explosion, high speed, james bondish type movie like.....ahhh Quantum of Solace,Transporter or my favourite The Punisher (first 1) or Mad Max. Meh still looks alright escpecially the car scene
*Meanwhile Below*
I saw this trailer while seeing Avatar...
I thought it was pretty funny and seemed almost cool. If this movie does well, that movie degredation thread will be proven partially wrong. New idea, might be good.
ehh the movie looks ok the only reason i think its "OK" is because 1 nickolis cage is in it "epic fail" and that little girl ... just the way she looks gets on my nerves