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Running in Toribash
No, I'm not talking about literally running in a spar or something of the sort. I'm talking about the act of moving away from your opponent in a multiplayer match usually when you are leading in points. "Running" away from your opponent.

This tactic, just like every other tactic, can definitely be rendered useless by playing smart (making sure you get the first hit, or playing aggressive from the start of the match just to name a few counters) so why exactly is it so hated upon?

I feel as if people hate mainly on techniques that are effective just because they are afraid of exerting the effort required to beat them. So instead of putting any effort in, they call those techniques "noob" and ragequit in order to make themselves feel better about the seemingly 'unfair' match and also in hopes that people will stop using them. This is just my opinion. Feel free to disagree with it if you want.

I'm just curious but what do you think is behind all of this hate towards "running"?
"Fear not the Tori who has practiced 10,000 openers once, but fear the Tori who has practiced one opener 10,000 times."
I think it's silly. You're right, it's a tactic. It's a tactic that actually works regardless if it's considered 'nooby' or not. I'd rather win a tournament by running, rather then staying, fighting, and risking the chance of defeat in order to gain a little respect from my peers.
Last edited by WTFlow; Aug 2, 2012 at 01:16 PM. Reason: Better wording
Running away effectively makes most of the match pointless, so it becomes the point to match openers with openers rather than employing skill. I do agree that it is a valid tactic, and that people who look down upon such tactics should stick to private servers. That said, it is still disappointing to see such games outside of tournament servers.
Fully agreed, just cause the opponent can't make a comeback does not mean the technique should be called a "Noob" technique.

In personal experience, been looked down upon plenty of times for "Running" and i honestly did't care what they thought about it, neither will i care what anyone thinks in the future
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum
hmmm no, I don't think running is what is noob about running.
Anyone can just drift away from their opponent and stand on all fours.

I see it're a noob if you don't at least make an attempt to get back and keep the fight going. It's how it has always been really.
I've always felt that running is a "noob" tactic.
It's a tactic, but it's a nooby one. The point of Toribash is to fight, if you will hit them once then run away for the glory of winning the match then of course you'll be labled as a noob.
Someone who can make a comeback and continue to fight even whilst winning in points is a good player.
I don't really mind running... unless it's used repeteadly.
Most people that come across a tactic that's easy to execute and effective call it noobish.
I personally only call it noobish if one abuses it.

I also hate when I accidentally jump 2 inches away from someone and that person calls me a runner. I'd gladly shove a punch down their throat.
oh yeah
I personally really hate it.
Here's the story.
I jumped in a duel and decided to have a fight with this guy. We play pretty nicely until he gets in a kick and is leading by points, still plenty of time to go.
Instead of continuing the fight he says "Oh, my mouse is playing up, sorry." And procedes to jump away. And when it was down to the last turn and he was nicely balanced in the distance his mouse suddenly started working again.

Yea, that really annoyed me. Either be honest and admit you're running away if you are or stay and fight like a man.
In my opinion, it's simply a show of good sportsmanship to stay and fight to the end but if someone decides to run then not much can be done about it. Just don't expect anyone to respect or like you.
thats why i usually play lenshu3 tourneys, its due to inability to run (grabs), so fight is at least closer to fair than wushu and aikido.
but tourneys are full of runners, quiters, mad naabs and etc
I don't really see the point of playing at all if you're just going to run away when you get points.

I say it shows how much of a bitch you are if you run.

I don't even see it as being a tatic I just think its a bitch thing to do lol.