Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
How to apply for Official?
This question is probably somewhere on the forums but I want an updated version :3

How do I apply for Official for my clan? And how long is the procedure?
Becoming an Official Clan
These are the requirements you must meet if you wish to apply to become an official clan. Your clan must:
Be at least three weeks old. We don't want clans dying while we vote on them. Having at least three weeks behind you can be a good indication of the possible longevity of your clan.
Have at least 9 members.
Pay 50,000TC. If you want to become official, you have to earn it and pay for it.
Have leaders who display competence and good leadership skills.
Have members who behave respectfully and appropriately.
Include a clan story. This doesn’t have to be anything too elaborate, but it should show creativity and commitment to your clan. If you are going to take the time to care about your clan in the long run, you can take the short amount of time to write a short clan story. Here is an example of an elaborate clan story. And here is an example of a not as elaborate, but just as acceptably creative, story.

When you are ready, you may PM the following application and 50,000TC to a Clan Mod. The current clan mods are Lightningkid, Aracoon, Hero, Ryan, Faint, Tarlan, and HolyButler. If your clan gets rejected, you will now get a 25,000TC refund; you will no longer receive 30K back. We don't give a full refund, which means if you are going to reapply, you take some time before hand to sort your clan out. It means that you should take it seriously.

Clan Application
Clan name:
Clan tag:
Link to your clan's thread:
Link to any external forums if you are using one:
Clan subtitle: (optional)
Leaders name: (red and bold please)
Moderators you want for your board: (no more than 3 of your own clan members, the clan mods don't moderate your board for you)
If you get rejected, who to send the 25K refund to:

Once we receive the TC, your application will be posted for council to discuss. The council members will discuss and vote on your clan, which usually takes about two to four weeks, so please be patient. If you are curious about how your clan vote is going, you may ask a clan mod for a quote so long as you ask nicely.
cage the gargoyle