Original Post
Ok so i see so many threads with new games like star craft 2 and bs. So there should be a classicle gaming thread. Ill give off a few that i play.


Super mario world

Breath of Fire 3

Donky kong country

Mario 64

Street Fighter

Doom 64

Duke nukem 3D

Origanl spyro and crash games (for ps1)

Twisted metal 3(my fav TM)

The origanal tekkon

Devil may Cry

And last croonkers bad fur day.

Need help in RE 3

Ok so im in re 3 and i need help beating nemisses for the last time what do you do.
Mortal kombat of course.
<Fish> How is being a dumbass a form of venting? Is this some sort of flatulence related joke?
I'd say Postal 2 should count. And the Chzo mythos, even though they're only displayed in classical style.
Also Super Smash Bros.
Tekken 2 is a boss, I remember playing it with mates all night one time, friggin awesome.

Also, Oddworld series, Abe's Oddessy ftw!

Oh and Lemmings, great game. Jetpackman was fun too. And then there are the arcades like StreetFighter Alpha and all that.

I wish Steam had more legacy games.
god gorman yes oddworld

and what about 1942,donkey kong,earthworm jim,sonic,super mario rpg,

loved all the games i said =P
Anime United
Omg zelda to i have the first one and orcarena of time. Portal 2 dose not cound becuse it was relesed just awile ago, im talking about games from ps1 down.
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
Portal 2 dose not cound becuse it was relesed just awile ago, im talking about games from ps1 down.

He said Postal 2, not Portal 2
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010
Contra 3, Played that all night and beat the fucking bitch without level code.
Super Smash Bros
Super Mario World 3
Yoshi's Island