Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
OLDA replays.
This thread will be used to post and rate replays made by members of OLDA. Post as many as you like, but if you post please dont suck and rate any previously posted replays.

I would start, but unfortunatly I am at school and dont have any on my flash drive, Il get some up soon though.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Nice madman dude. Quick and to the point, just what you want from a madman.

Here is something I did this morn
Attached Files
SP-spin2spin2decap.rpl (197.5 KB, 86 views)
Org's :: OldA OoT OrMo
wow ive not seen that mod before, il keep an eye out for it in mp i always thought it would be awesome if you could set win conditions for mods though. Like when an object goes into a certain area it gives one player an auto win, t'would be really handy for sports mods especially.

Nice headspins as well Ern!

Anyway heres my latest singleplayer adventure, and an intense aikido match.
Attached Files
backhander.rpl (154.0 KB, 34 views)
mp ai combacks.rpl (65.6 KB, 30 views)
Last edited by Spree; Nov 12, 2008 at 02:18 PM.
Youshop | Art
I just downloaded all the replays, I will comment on them tomorrow and post a few of mine.

Blotto, that's a damn fine Idea. If we can scrounge together some TC or something for the prize I can draw it all out and stickie it as OLDAs first comp since our officialism But I am pretty broke atm, so we need some good prizes.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
this is some uke pawning in betabox mode..
hope you like my new combo moves
Last edited by blotto; Feb 11, 2010 at 09:31 PM.

uhh nice kicks.. great speed.. Your endposes could be better thou :P
Nice Headspins up there Ern. :)

Heres some SP-replays i made this evening :).
Kick-splits followed by decaps. in both of them :P

last one is long distance decap.

ohh ohh look at these
Attached Files
eyCoco - Sparks.rpl (131.6 KB, 33 views)
eyCoco - Slowmotion..rpl (115.2 KB, 36 views)
eyCoco - Longshot.rpl (96.4 KB, 38 views)
Last edited by eyCoco; Nov 13, 2008 at 08:40 PM.