Original Post
Timing and Balance
I'd like to see some moves that are more finesse than straight power (fun as that is).

Here are a couple of my proudest:
craneKick.rpl is kind of a rushed body-splitting crane kick followed by like a front handspring double kick to the head.

dance.rpl is kind of capoeira and breakdance inspired, complete with spinning freezes and leg grabs. Lots of balance pauses and direction changes, but lots of movement, dismemberment, and a pretty fluid progression.

What have you guys got?

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Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
Re: Timing and Balance
nice skillz =P

comment on dance: uke should move as well but still aw5omne55
comment on kick: try for a better landing =) still i love it when ppl get chopedd in half >D
(not called jacktheripper for nothin =P)

PS. my evil smilys not working! Oo
Re: Timing and Balance
Dance was enough work just moving one person. I figured there's a certain charm to throwing Uke around like a rag doll, also.

For kick, I was too pleased with myself by that point to care about the landing.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."