Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Ammount of members.
SFST does not have many members, and it's starting to get annoying with this clan being 'unknown'.
I suggest we amp up the ammount of people we allow into the clan and also for the ranking I.E. TFA, MG Ect. We only have within the clan so that ingame the tag would be just [SFST] instead of [SFST-MG] It just makes the clan easier to be recognised and stops people asking "Can i join [SFST-TFA]?
tell the people your clan is SFST i have tried both ways and honestly if ranks were only in the forums what would be the point? If you see a member in game that is lower ranking dosnt that make you feel more awesome?
ima crusin for a bruisn
Originally Posted by Relink View Post
SFST does not have many members, and it's starting to get annoying with this clan being 'unknown'.I suggest we amp up the ammount of people we allow into the clan and also for the ranking I.E. TFA, MG Ect. We only have within the clan so that ingame the tag would be just [SFST] instead of [SFST-MG] It just makes the clan easier to be recognised and stops people asking "Can i join [SFST-TFA]?

no kidding me what do you think me and buya have been trying to do the past week?
as for the ranks it honestly dosent matter either way, it seems lazy to me that when someones asks to join sfst-tfa that you cant explain were just sfst its not that big of a deal anyway
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
Want to join Vampire?
Yeah, obviously clan members know of the rank and who is better than them but people outside the clan do not. Anyway i think it just makes the clan slightly less appealing but that's just my opinion.
i feel the opposite it makes this clan seem more appealing becuase it gives you a reason to be active and try to post. A new recruit is automatically encouraged to rank up becase the first ranks is nub so they become very active in both forum and game. then as you advance in ranks more you want to keep ranking up because it is a challenge so you feel very connected to the clan through ranking systems. i hope the other members post here to express their opinions if they all hate the ranking system ill try to improve it.
ima crusin for a bruisn
Yeah true, but do you see famous clans with ranks ingame?
Many clans that have rankings do not show them ingame.
Btw i think the [Nub] tag should be compulsory for all new members then after that they can choose to have their rank shown or choose to have just [SFST] as their tag.
Another point about the ranking system is the requirements to rank up, for people who may be .... lacking judo skills but may be exceptional in other 'approved' mods should be able to choose their own best mods instead of having to always do the Judo, kickboxing thing.