Original Post
Who owns Toribot?
Well, its inventory is full of items! Full elf,void,demon,acid, full with all items of toribash. A random activated inventory, and
16 qi. With 2,326,675 TC?

Who owns it?
It's the toribash bot.
No one in particular owns it, it just does what it's made to do (torishop, blog posts, reports, etc).
Originally Posted by Takkrala View Post
also, when you buy something in the torishop i believe the TC is sended to that bot. not?

It vanishes.
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Originally Posted by Takkrala View Post
ORLY? buy something from the shop and check you're transaction history.

Yeah, it goes to toribot. All of toribots tc goes away right away. or it sends it to a ninja, who destroys it.