Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Ancient Domains of Mystery
Ok, so if you know what a roguelike is, you will automatically understand that Ancient Domains of Mystery (ADOM) is a nearly stupidly hard game.

However, it's got quite a bit of role playing in it if you want to survive and have fun, a nice bit of extreme strategic joy if you want to get a good ending, and a lot of pain and suffering when you realize that your best just isn't good enough.

And then face desks when you forget that glowing wands are the most important wands in the game.

What's so special about it: An extremely intricate alignment system, a good bit of "The Developer Thinks Of Everything", a bad bit of "The Developer Thinks of Everything", the ability to wish for things other than objects (might actually be more useful to wish for an idea or a monster [Don't wish for important quest enemies, you'll probably die. {Don't wish for death either, you'll probably die.}]), the ability to become so ridiculously strong that you wipe entire floors of enemies out of existence without breaking a sweat ingame (you probably will bruise your button pressing finger, that can be a LOT of enemies), the ability to DIE with these ridiculously strong characters, the ability to become a blob of living sludge (although, this is a Game Over), the ability to kill blobs of living sludge, an intricate poisoning and sickness system (although not as intricate as you might hope if you want to get the Swine Flu), an amazing juggling act of a Super Bonus Level of Win and Awesome, an amazing patience requirement, and the inability to cheat with nothing more than ADOM itself.

What is the plot line? Well, I'd explain in my own way, but it's kinda spoilery.

If you hate spoilers, don't highlight this: You are <insert name here> and you are going to a place called the Drakalor Chain for great wealth, fame, and prosperity for no good reason at all, but soon find out it's actually a nice place to live die because the Forces of Ultimate Evil Pure Chaos are at work and that simply by existing in the mountain range of hell Drakalor Chain you risk becoming a God writhing mass of primal chaos. You then figure out over time with the help of a completely useless NPC who dies the first time you meet him Khevelaster who is mortally wounded perfectly savable with an amulet of life saving item that you don't have. You realize that almost everything and everyone is working against you, even the nice pure evil dwarven artificier in a perfectly normal house Darkforge which is guarded by absolutely nothing fucking steel golems who will rip you to shreds. And not just ONE steel golem, approximately 30 or 40 that you have to beat up. Oh, and the perfectly nice tourism hot spot of a cave in the center of the map Caverns of Chaos contain several perfectly unkillable difficult to defeat enemies such as the You Won't Meet This Monster Face to Face Because You Already Died From It Banshee. There is absolutely no way to deal with her wail that instantly kills you exactly one way to deal with her wail that instantly kills you, and it's extremely obvious: Simply don't hear it. But while all this is nice and dandy, everyone else has realized Chuck Norris the forces of raw chaos are at work and have taken their measures against completely useless precautions against it. In a world corrupted by chaos where almost everyone is already trying to kill you or perfectly capable of doing so, you need to reach the bottom of the Caverns of Chaos and solve this problem by closing the chaos gate or other applied plot element (I haven't actually lived long enough to do that, you see), and avoid being turned into a minion of chaos in the meantime.

Ya, life is rough in ADOM.

Anyways, the official site, the official download link, the site that you will probably need to use to survive (extreme spoilers), and: @ <-- The most annoying bastard in the game.

Oh, and save Khevelaster. It's worth it.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
I tried it. It's hard as hell. I'll win over the game someday though.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [pee@NUP-6C9C98D4.elisa-laajakaista.fi] [Quit:]