Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
After over 6 months....
Ok, so hello to everyone who joined no longer than 6 months ago and ... hello again to others. I haven't been present for about 6 months but I think I'm back again. There are lots of changes and I think I'm lost. I got advice to make a post with every question I have, so I'm making one.

1. What's the League, cause I think there are two Leauges now, so I'm confused.
2. What's the CBK server and why there is nobody there?
3. Why on the market are colors that aren't in the shop (available or not available - doesn't matter)
4. How to get Demon color (black)
5. I found opener.lua very interesting idea, but dunno how to use it.
6. What's Demo lobby?
7. What's ToriTV?

hmmm...I'll add more If I remind sth
The League is an idea someone had a while back, a lot of people argued... it's basically a Clan Tournament. I'm not too fond of it, but other people love it... so w/e. The times are annoying to have to meet, though.

The CBK server is a server that Hamr and I have the authcode to. We can change settings in there as we please, to any mod we want, it's basically like the control you have over singleplayer.

People buy them all out, or they haven't added them yet... it's a little confusing.

Demon was given as the prize for the first League, to Spirit. Pure is white, and it was give to Hamster for hitting 10th Dan. I think Isha has it now too, but I haven't seen him ingame.

I didn't know opener.lua existed. Can't help there =\

Demo lobby is some kind of new thing I've never used. Apparently, it's supposed to take people waiting in cues in Demo servers and randomly pit them against each other in the Lobby room. Idk.

ToriTV is open during brawls or League matches. It's a server you join, but do not play in. Instead, it shows the matches being played in other servers. Made by Jarmund, who is a genius.
You can't get demon colors, they are only for the winners of the previous league. Just clearing that up.

In your eyes I'm new, so hello and welcome back.
[12:23] <Drugade> hello
[12:24] <Drugade> i have paid over my phone but i become my tc not!!!