Original Post
What should I do about this 'name' situation? Also: New Artist Name
So as very few of you know. My Music Artist name is Oaki (I know I am not exactly an Artist but there is no other way to put it). The problem is another Artist called 'Steve Aoki' sometimes people will spell his second name 'Oaki'. This worries me that if I ever get noticed you will have the few who will make an army to get me to change my name.

I was just thinking that I might as well change it now.

Suggestions are welcome.
I guess Kradel is more unique. It's just work having to edit the description of each track to suit the name change. I will do it when I have the time and I am bothered enough to change it :3

I guess Kradel is better. There is also an Artist called Kaliber -_-.