Original Post
How do you make a spoiler thread
Just curious as to how you make a spoiler in a thread or post as I am trying to sell a s texture set
you'll have to rise above the best and prove yourself, your spirit never dies.
In the top right of the reply box you will see a little speech bubble saying "spoil". Click that and then enter the title of the spoiler. For example, if you are selling a robot head, entitle the spoiler, "Robot head". Then insert the image inside the brackets that you have just created. Here is an example of what it should look like (Remove the *):


To enter an image, right click an image from a website and select, "Copy image URL". Then go back to your spoiler tag and press ctrl + v to paste the URL inbetween both brackets ][.

For example (remove *)


You must put [*IMG] and [/IM*G] when using an image.

Hope this helps.
Moved to rapid threads.
I left the thread open if you have further questions.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

or you click on the "spoil' button on the right top corner of the post box. It's between "code" and "/jo"

Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

I pressed it for some reason it says "Enter [spoiler] tag when I put in the it will just close the message and wont display anything any reason how to fix?
you'll have to rise above the best and prove yourself, your spirit never dies.