Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Duel-List !

Thatz iz a List where are wroten All duels what i found at topic "JudgmentDuels". For Duel where you Win you get 2 points if you lose you get only 1 point.Also you get point for winning tourneys 2 point for second 3 for first place For guy with most points maybe we can make a Prize.

Update every sunday at 14:00 (gmt+1)
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Our DuelList
  • NickName
    • WinDuel-LoseDuel-1stPlaceTourney-2ndPlaceTourney
    • 8(2+1+3+2)
  • Sombody
    • 2-1-0-2
    • 9(4+1+0+4)


(blah still rocks)
  • Blahaaa =
    • 30-26-0-1
    • 88 (60+26+2)

  • Sorriso ^
    • 29-12-2-0
    • 76(58+12+6)

  • Dion v
    • 25-10-1-0
    • 60 (50+10+3)
  • Federigor =
    • 9-6-0-1
    • 26 (18+6+2)
  • Verax=
    • 6-6-0-0
    • 18(12+6)
  • 19lolek25 =
    • 3-3-0-0
    • 9 (6+3)
  • Shin-Ryuu =
    • 1-0-0-0
    • 2
  • Urban Legend=
    • 1-0-0-0
    • 2
  • Mistikal=
    • 0-0-0-0
    • 0
  • Aci=
    • 0-0-0-0
    • 0
  • SenFlow =
    • 0-0-0-0
    • 0
  • WildFire=
    • 0-0-0-0
    • 0

Emm if wrong then wrote here.

And the Winner For March is...
1st Place Blahaaa
2nd Place Sorriso
3rd Place Dion
Last edited by Blahaaa; Mar 29, 2009 at 01:34 PM.
>.> i was writing only interesting duels in that topic... Now for this rating ill write every mine duel ^_^
hmm... napewno ktoś wygrał turnieje jakieś... ja odkad jestem w Jgmt to conajmniej 5;/ to co robi ktos odzielny temat? czy jak?;O

edit: ok sorry nie zauważyłem tego tematu blaha... sryy
Unfair( I havent played this week =) Ill get you both next sunday)

And btw, Blah, you haven't count my 2 loses to Firosh