Original Post
[Selling] 3 blending flames 100k each
Basically you get the general idea, they blend, they're colorful and they're rather big. There are three flames:

Right hand flame (orbits around right leg) - 100k or 10$ through paypal
Left hand flame (orbits around left leg) - 100k or 10$ through paypal
Head flame (orbits around some leg) - 100k or 10$ through paypal

/lp 0 Magix for more details,


Forged by Faolan
[05:54] <@Magix> Faolan: how much did you forge those flames for
[05:54] <@Magix> that you sold me
[05:55] <@Faolan> like 125k each


All 3 flames enabled on picture, covers up all of the body (depends on your position though), if you want it to be less spammy you can only buy head etc.

If you buy all three, you get 'em for 250k (that's 50k off!)
Last edited by Magix; Jun 30, 2009 at 05:09 PM.
Whoop Whoop
accept items ill give u a qs force and sum items from my inv plus 26k for right hand flame
UTM 4ever |4bb не для слабаков
posting to ensure the authenticity of the OP's quote. they did indeed cost me about (or over) 125k each to forge
<insert (something) here>

Did I mention I added screenshots at some point? Hard to get a nice picture of a flame, you'll get a better example ingame.
Whoop Whoop