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Matarika Tricking Training Replays
To start this replay thread here are some replays. I hope i can learn and grow and become a better tricker.
Here is some more tricking. Gym Cork and Host-Tarika need the TCBB.tbm mod to be downloaded which i put below.
Attached Files
#matarika BackF-Cork.rpl (88.6 KB, 30 views)
#matarika BackF-2Cork.rpl (135.9 KB, 30 views)
#matarika Trick-Combo.rpl (168.3 KB, 29 views)
#matarika Corkology.rpl (205.3 KB, 24 views)
#matarika btwist!.rpl (44.2 KB, 21 views)
#matarika Gym Cork.rpl (94.1 KB, 22 views)
TCBB.tbm (25.6 KB, 28 views)
#Matarika Host-Tarika.rpl (255.8 KB, 23 views)
#matarika Martial Tricking!.rpl (160.7 KB, 27 views)
#matarika We have Chem.rpl (271.8 KB, 25 views)
Last edited by matarika; Apr 27, 2015 at 03:57 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
I haven't looked at them all, but yeah...

Try and relax your arms more.

I know that it can sometimes be hard to do so without ruining some solid(ness?), but that's something I would say to improve upon. You pretty much got the way on how the body moves, so all you have left to do is polish your tricks.
tsu tsu cuckoo
nice job mat, looking great, keep up the good work.
some of my opinions for this replay
backflip cork- During your back flip you bent your knees, not actually using the bend for jump only to extend your knees early excluding them from the rest of your momentum making your jump reliant on your hips and arms for height not the knees, so basically your knees played a little role in the build up of height when it looked like you were trying the realistic approach to a backflip..
Also you had your abs extended and your hips contracted making that booty push out then later contracted your abs going in the opposite direction of your momentum flow. For me i would have had my abs more contracted to later extend them them giving my hips and arms more strength in my momentum build up. For me, i like to have everything reach its max point together creating the best maximum momentum possible, so for example, your ankles are extended before your hips are fully extended which then later creates dead weight for your ankles because they basically stop moving, well your abs and hips are still moving creating Dead weight. If you want that burst of momentum and you flips to look more smooth, make sure everything works as one, moving as one, reaching the maximum point as one.
For your corkscrew, you did use your momentum and everything pretty well. The things i would have changed is i wouldn't have my arms at the side when raising them when you could include them in the momentum of your swing through. think of it this way: you have 1 guy pushing the heavy door open when it takes three people to open it, in the end all it did was create loss of time. when you could have used the two extra guys standing right beside you as assistance. But in our case you could have used those two arms to work as a swing through along side your leg creating one solid movement of momentum.
Thanks for feedback guys, i will keep working on my tricks! Thanks flash for the comment on the corks, i never knew where the correct time would be to raise, and lower and how they should be. I just had a basic concept of the raising of the arms and then lowering for the cork.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297