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Does this sound too much like Avatar?
Another toribash user and I have decided to make a story that could be animated into an anime. Basically, underneath is what we have so far and I am wondering, does it sound like Avatar because that was what somebody told me.

In ancient times, millions of years ago, there were six destined mortals. All of whom were great creations of the earth itself. Each mortal was made unique with the abilities they were given. Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Energy and Rawr were separated and enchanted upon each mortal. He who controlled water would rule the great seas. He who controlled Earth held great power. He who controlled Fire was dangerous yet conserved. He who controlled air carried great movement and fluidity. He who controlled energy could not be destroyed. And he who controlled rawr was an ally to all natural predators. When the six mortals died they kept their powers through reincarnation but lost all memory of anything they ever did with them. This cycle was one that would continue forever as these mortals lives were keeping planet earth stable and alive. Without them, earth would become a myth.

*Chapter One :: Eiko

With a single tear streaming down her face she cried,
"I'm sorry."and gently placed Eiko on the ground. He began crying as any child would once separated from their mother. She didn't want to leave him but she had no choice. To avoid any temptation to back down, she looked away from her son and said,
"Live long, be strong."and ran. Eiko's cry got louder as his mother ran further. She began to shed tears too...and she did as she jumped off the edge...and did as she hit the water...
I have seen this story like 5 times before. It doesn't sound like anything unique, therefor I find it utterly boring.
It's a old concept. Very...old. But. If you can actually make it interesting instead of some watered down Avatar novel. You'd bet I'd read it. And I don't read a lot.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Okay, thanks guys. There is still a whole lot to go. Me and the other writer want to make it as good as we can. I will explore other concepts first.

@siku, that wasn't all.