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Wanting to preform Toribash attacks in real life
Am I the only one who's had the urge to do so?

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Because I'm going to have the ablity to snapkick a mans arm clean off with one swift motion. Or, rip off my own hand like Swaves, and then perform a 360 and decap a man by throwing my hand at his head. But. Yes. I always wanted to.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
What if the whole world was like Mushu? *shudder*

I usually do things the other way around. I watch a guy do a backflip in real life, and then try to replicate his actions in TB.
Last edited by Boerhae; Jan 27, 2015 at 05:47 AM.
Boerhae, making a glorious return!
I literally sit there in gym, and think to myself. "I'm should do a sick flip and kick the ball into the net, then I'll impress my pears". Then I think. "I'll fall on my face and break my neck or something.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I sometimes feel like shovelling people, but I wouldn't want all my friends to rage at me because they counter counter it
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
I literally sit there in gym, and think to myself. "I'm should do a sick flip and kick the ball into the net, then I'll impress my pears". Then I think. "I'll fall on my face and break my neck or something.

Sometimes I do 360's in my living room like I'm in call of duty and my sensitivity is on 10 to impress my various fruits, then I realise I'm 40 years old in my mothers basement.

At least I have enough good boy points for a chicken tendie and sauce dindin tonight!
Originally Posted by Augans View Post
Sometimes I do 360's in my living room like I'm in call of duty and my sensitivity is on 10 to impress my various fruits, then I realise I'm 40 years old in my mothers basement.

At least I have enough good boy points for a chicken tendie and sauce dindin tonight!

I am truly thrilled that you will be able to enjoy a chicken tendie and (as if the chicken was not enough excitement as a standalone offer) sauce dindin. (unless the momentous occasion of dindins has in fact already taken place).

Sometimes I wish it was as easy to do things in real life as it was in TB, the fact is that tori is fucking hence as fuck and the real world has much shorter reaction time to plan moves, but the fact that my rather extended experience of toribash does not seem to help any physical skills in my real life whatsoever still seems kinda unfair.
Good morning sweet princess
the first 2 posts are gonna give me nightmares DDD: but anyway i dont think i would need to be able to lift someone like 2 meters into the air by their hands. i have to admit that would be a lot of fun but the only thing i wish i could do in TB would be the parkore because parkore is a blast but i suck at it : P
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i totally do the beggining of a gainer when im trotting across my house and have to take a turn and theres something to use as a support
oh yeah