Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
End of the USA soon? NWO really happening?
2 retards are running for President of the USA.
North Korea wants war with USA
racism is beyond out of control
Society is becoming more fucked
The new generation of teens are worthless wannabe thugs
Idiots making memes out of classic cartoons now
People questioning Gods existence
No one is loyal anymore
Government is becoming more corrupt
Police act like psychopaths
Retards riot over stupid shit without knowing facts
People disrespect the veterans and military
Gay marriage is legal
News hiding the important shit and only discusses stupid shit that isn't news
Prisons are being packed
Anyone can get famous now
Everyone wants either sex or prison time
Get mad at me but the truth hurts and can't blame no one but ourselves. God bless America before it's too late...

X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
Originally Posted by DeakManiac View Post
The new generation of teens are worthless wannabe thugs

Seems a bit ironic coming from you, doesn't it?

Anyway, America isn't going to be destroyed in a massive war by 2020. I don't even think I need to explain why this thread is terrible.
No, not a war but by it's own citizens and military. As corrupt as the USA is, it's a matter of time before the citizens and military kills their own country from going to war against each other. We already got police against citizens, next the military will jump in and there'll be another war inside it's own country and that'll allow our enemies to come and take over while we are too busy fighting with each other. Look at facts and do your research like I did. I'm not blind minded, I know too much because I been searching and paying attention for the longest.
X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
Originally Posted by DeakManiac View Post
No, not a war but by it's own citizens and military. As corrupt as the USA is, it's a matter of time before the citizens and military kills their own country from going to war against each other. We already got police against citizens, next the military will jump in and there'll be another war inside it's own country and that'll allow our enemies to come and take over while we are too busy fighting with each other. Look at facts and do your research like I did. I'm not blind minded, I know too much because I been searching and paying attention for the longest.

Are you smoking on my KK right now?

That's the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard, riots have never resulted in the destruction of an entire country before. I, for one, appreciate that you are not blind minded, and that you have indeed seen footage. I hope you and your partner, KINGCHUCK100K, can finally uncover this mystery, as you have been paying attention for the longest.
Last edited by Glimpsed; Aug 1, 2016 at 08:03 PM.
Originally Posted by DeakManiac View Post
I'm not blind minded, I know too much because I been searching and paying attention for the longest.

I think of all the retarded reasons you have for why america is falling this is the best
"Idiots making memes out of classic cartoons now"

Mah memes ruined murica!
Last edited by cowmeat; Aug 1, 2016 at 08:06 PM.
Originally Posted by DeakManiac View Post
Gay marriage is legal

people like you are why homosexuals fight for their rights. What kind of KK are you on.

Channel - ok
I think your weed might be laced, Deak.
I don't even want to start by pointing out how stupid all your arguments are, but fuck it.
1. Very subjective, many people think Trump/Hillary would be a good president, also, you're just a dumbass teen, what the fuck do you know.
2. We've been at war with NK for the past few decades now. The Korean war never ended.
3. Yet again, still pretty god damn subjective from the point of view. But if you are referring to Social Justice Warriors and the likes, then sure, I suppose that's a little fucked. But that is a minority.
4. This entire point is pretty much you.
5. What.
6. People are allowed to view religion in their own ways, but I am not here to argue religion.
7. The fuck does "loyal" mean
8. Eh, kind of.
and the rest i can't be bothered to respond
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Originally Posted by Glimpsed View Post
Are you smoking on my KK right now?

That's the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard, riots have never resulted in the destruction of an entire country before. I, for one, appreciate that you are not blind minded, and that you have indeed seen footage. I hope you and your partner, KINGCHUCK100K, can finally uncover this mystery, as you have been paying attention for the longest.

Well..... humans may not have had riots that have ended entire countries there are a few BIG riots in the past like the Nika Riots. The people of Constantinople or the people of the world in general didn't have anywhere near the weapons we do, so I can see where he got the riot idea from.Now I know what you're thinking "Seth what? You support this person's insane idea?!?!" I don't support this in any way, in fact I agree with most of what Valterain1 said.
Facts are cool.
The Future is Bulletproof
"How r people still in jail? Just make alts lol" -Wizard
This is def up there as one of the dumbest threads here

We've been at war with NK for the last 50 some years. The war ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty or anything. So... nothing new.

Preexisting racial tensions have basically only been brought to light. The only difference now is some minority of people think that society is starting to take sides. This has the potential to completely blow over in a few years with the right social movements and awareness of facts. Even given current circumstances, racial relations are indisputably riding a long term upward trend.

Millennial bashing is getting very old.

People have been questioning God's existence for a very long time now, that's nothing new. It's been relatively normal for like 200 years. There's definitely been no substantial change in your lifetime.

Corruption in government has been growing for years. You might also note that a substantial political movement to remove forms of corruption from government has been going on for a while now.

Most police are generally good people, but obviously there are assholes in the force. Just like there are assholes in every other line of work. They aren't psychopaths, nor are they angels. There are good cops and there are bad cops. Nothing new here.

The face of democracy is people in the streets making their voices heard. There are some instances where rioting can happen but most protests are peaceful and relatively productive. Again, absolutely nothing new here.

Thank god gay marriage is finally legal.

This kind of stuff has happened all over the world for the entirety of human history. Keep trying.

Prisons have been getting packed for the last 20 years. There are political movements to reform the prison system that are pretty mainstream so... not the end of the world, i don't think.

What's wrong with that?

Lol generalization much

Dude what the hell are you reading, you're insane if you think any of this actually spells the end of the world as we know it.
half of these points are kinda dumb but I'll touch on some I have an opinion on worth sharing. Also I'm Canadian not American but almost all our news over here is American stuff because not enough stuff happens over here to be interesting

Police have always been the same. It's just now they are getting exposure because people have the tools and people finally actually care.

Religion is totally opinionated. Can't argue about that because people won't accept anything other then what they believe.

Teens have always been wanna be punks or just legitimate punks. Almost every generation people are like "the teens are soooo rebellious this is the worst generation yet"

I honestly don't understand why you bring up loyalty.

Just look for reliable and useful news. I know there is a NewsPaper in Ontario that reports a lot of really good stuff and dosent even touch on the dumb stuff like celebs. There are ways to find useful and accurate news.

Who cares if anyone can be famous? lmao this is a dumb point

Gay marriage is fucking awesome. Best thing that's happened in America for awhile imo.

I sorta agree with Vets. They should deff be treated better

I don't know of any riots recently that were for silly reasons so I can't comment on that.

Id say rascism is getting better. Awhile ago if a white person and a black person were seen as a couple they would be shunned or even just looked at really weird. Now a majority of people couldent care less, which is great! Although rascism won't be at a good point until it's gone all together and everyone is accepted regardless of literally everything they can't change.

I gotta admit tho the 2 people running arnt the greatest thing ever. I would say anything but trump at any cost tbh, but that's my opinion don't make this a political argument.

What Valt said about North Korea.

The reason prisons are getting packed is because of over population. Have all the nice people come over to Canada! we accept everyone! as long as you say please and thank you!

Nothing to say about last point.
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