Original Post

Only post here twice a day(optional)
Post goodmorning or goodnight when you wake up or go to bed for the night.
Cozzakilll is banned from posting in this thread.

The above rules are crucial! Break the rules and Linkhunter Can deal with you as he wishes. This thread is for Extreme Members only so please No allies posting in this thread.
If a Ally posts in this thread I will know they did not Read!

P.S. Goodnight everyone I will post again when i wake up. ;p
Last edited by Toon; Oct 29, 2012 at 07:26 PM.
Good Morning Extreme Today we have a whole bunch of shit to do.
we have alot of Forum serving out during the day and hopefully a but load of ingame play.
[Extreme]--> We are here (Cool Place)------------------------------------------u are all the way over There--->(Uncool) You
This does seem a bit like a spam thread..
EDIT: What the hell was that for? I'm allowed my own opinion.
Last edited by cozzakilll; Oct 29, 2012 at 09:12 PM.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Originally Posted by cozzakilll View Post
This does seem a bit like a spam thread..

Its only spam if you dont follow the damn rules cossa gtfo your now on the not aloud to post list for already breaking a rule. Post here again and I will have link deasl with you to the full extent.

Good morning guys Just got up.
It's only fucking spam if you do this fucking bs your doing now get the fuck out I am tired of being nice to you fucking losers who cannot fucking read. If any of you dumbshits wanna comment on this fucking quote this and mesage in the fucking general chat I am tired of you assholes who disrespect rules. GET THE FUCK OUT ALL OF YOU NOW. AT THIS RATE I WILL LEAVE FUCKING [Extreme] I DON'T WANNA BE IN A CLAN WHERE NOBODY CAN FOLLOW THE FUCKING RULES.

We had a thread like this Firebolty closed it
Last edited by linkhunter; Oct 30, 2012 at 04:59 AM.