Original Post
Upper torso destruction done easy!
I broke his arms off at the elbow, and the shoulder, I think the pecs as well, and the head.
Within 300 frames, I think, on demo settings on the classic mod.
I had no idea what I was doing, but it ended ok!
The filename sucks, but eh. It's my first move that I'm really proud of.
Hold all
Extending Abs
Contracting Right Pecs
Raising Right Shoulder
Contracting Left Pecs
Raising Left Shoulder
Space x1

Extending Right Hip
Extending Left Hip
Extending Right Ankle
Extending Left Ankle
Space x1
Contracting Abs
Lowering Right Shoulder
Lowering Left Shoulder
Extending Right Glute
Extending Left Glute
Contracting Right Hip
Contracting Left Hip
Space x9

Contracting Right Elbow
Raising Left Shoulder
Contracting Left Elbow
Extending Right Hip
Extending Left Hip
Contracting Right Knee
Contracting Left Knee
Space x2

Raising Right Shoulder
Space x1

Extending Right Knee
Extending Left Knee
Space x5

Lowering Right Shoulder
Extending Right Elbow
Contracting Right Hip
11966 310 82116

Lowering Left Shoulder
Extending Left Elbow
Space x3

Relax all
Space x6

Hold all
Raising Left Shoulder
Space x2

Extending Left Glute
Space x3

Contracting Left Glute
Contracting Left Hip
Space x1

Left Rotating Chest
Extending Right Hip
Extending Right Ankle
Space x2

Lowering Right Shoulder
Lowering Left Shoulder
Contracting Left Elbow
Space x1

Tadah! After the gibbage, though, do whatever you want. I tried to do a cool balance at the end but phailed.
Re: Upper torso destruction done easy!
and i think that isnt at demo settings...
but the move is still kool!
Carve me up! Slice me apart! Suck my guts and lick my heart!
Re: Upper torso destruction done easy!
Sorry, I thought this was the Toribash board, not the Replay board
01110111011010000110100101101100011001010010100000 10101000101000011110000010101100101011001010010011 11010010101000101000011110010010101100101011001010 010010100100111011
Re: Upper torso destruction done easy!
Oh, sh-- forgot to upload the instructions. Very sorry about that.
Also, I tested, the only thing that isn't demois my fracture setting, 150, but that's off.
So, yah, default mod.
Did it suck, was it so-so, or was it pretty good?