Original Post
[REL] 3.3 Cannon Mod
Wanted to be the first to post a reloadable cannon mod

In this mod, you have a loaded cannon with 2 spare cannonballs to fire at uke

He has a wall behind him so i suggest you make him grab it to prevent him from flying away in the NoDM version of this

Don't touch the back of the cannon because it has a high bounce setting and will cause body parts to fly away

Also set your matchframes to atleast 1000 because the first shot takes a little more than 500 frames before firing at uke

Posted Improved Version: I think this is more of what people were asking

Attached Files
cannonbattlecenter.tbm (2.2 KB, 83 views)
cannonbattlecenterNoDM.tbm (2.2 KB, 46 views)
cannonbattlecenterImproved.tbm (2.8 KB, 89 views)
examplereplay.rpl (38.3 KB, 40 views)
Last edited by Smilies2; May 21, 2008 at 02:33 AM. Reason: Added Improved Version
I'm aware of the 16 object limit but theres no need
and it's not that hard to reload
you just pick up a ball on drop it in the barrel
Oh hot diggity damn, you've just given me such a good idea that I can't wait to get home...
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
excellent mod ive been waiting for this one

but it takes a little too long and the aiming is a little off for the next two shots (i think it has something to do with speed)

i suggest adding a little thrust too the first ball just too speed things up and make a smaller barrel possibly with a top (and leave a small spot too load into) too help with the aiming

and possibly an autoloader or hopper
Wars have never hurt anybody except the people who die. -Salvador Dali
war does not determine who is right but who is left.-Bertrand Russel
The art of war is not to die for one's country...
But to make the other bastard die for his. -General George Patton
maybe if u had an auto reloader or something--like the coke and mentos thing where you have a tube and place lots of mentos in there with a slider, and you just pull the slider to release the mentos.
you could try something like that with the cannonballs positioned above the cannon and somehow you activate it to release just one ball and drop it into the cannon
you make me feel like i peed myself..... it makes me feel warm :P

This is how awsome Squid is