Original Post
How do you get this achievement.

idc if it's a secret, how about give me hints or something.
Don't send me PM's, I don't read them.
Originally Posted by Shmevin
They were inside jokes in achievement form.
Okay to be gay
]These all were created as jokes, and are in no way obtainable upon request or some type of task completion.
You should have listened to administrators the past few years when they told you,"It's a seekrit. ;)"

Quoted from google. It was removed though, so there is no way to get it anymore.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
wut does B.i.T.C.H mean anyway i know wut bitch means btw
Look at this cat and it will melt your heart and give me tc. :P
Yeah, to me, it was just some strange achievement added on the list, yet makes no sense of why it's there.
funny blue smiling person
please to be enjoying lowkido
let's bring minibash back!
Originally Posted by rocker168 View Post
wut does B.i.T.C.H mean anyway i know wut bitch means btw

Beautiful Individual That Causes Hard-on's ofc
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
Quoted from google. It was removed though, so there is no way to get it anymore.

Ohey, I've been quoted!

I'm surprised it is still on the achievement list, unlike the other's I listed in that quote. Maybe there is a way to get it that I am just not aware of...
Oh, no! It's him! Goblin!
It was created as a test when the achievements were created. Onlymar was the only one to have it back in the days, don't know if someone else got it (nor who could be those "someone else").
Originally Posted by Tinerr View Post
It was created as a test when the achievements were created. Onlymar was the only one to have it back in the days, don't know if someone else got it (nor who could be those "someone else").

You are wrong.
Onlymar, gman, suo and don't remember if slip had it. It had onlymar's avvy, and it was made just as a test, from what I can remember.

what ever happened to the rest of the three in there?

Well, my memory might fail ;o
Last edited by Tinerr; Aug 13, 2013 at 09:18 PM.