Original Post
Where is my thread
yesterday i made thread in offtopic
today its like dissapeared, i tried everything to find it and i manage to find it using google.
there it is:
why can't i access it?
Maybe your thread is against the rules and it got deleted
reasonably happy | if gamer grill inbx me | Nightin: hack THIS *unzips dick*
until next time
My thread is absolutley not against any rule. Besides if someone deleted it i would get some notice or info about that or infraction right?
it just dissapeared
Originally Posted by eternity01 View Post
You can't demand anything, you are a normal member not a mod.

of course i can, i am part of this community, i have rights
but nevermind, fuck it. i really dont have any more good will to fight and argue.
fucking pimplehead mod kids. there is more mods on this fuckforum then users. and they have right to do whatever they want.
and if some pimplehead is going to respond, dont close thread immediatley, let me answer, dont be lowlife.
Last edited by visibleman; Nov 11, 2011 at 08:19 PM.
If your thread got deleted by a staff member, it probably was against the rules, so it is your fault for not reading the rules in the first place.
oh yeah
Originally Posted by visibleman View Post
of course i can, i am part of this community, i have rights
but nevermind, fuck it. i really dont have any more good will to fight and argue.
fucking pimplehead mod kids. there is more mods on this fuckforum then users. and they have right to do whatever they want.
and if some pimplehead is going to respond, dont close thread immediatley, let me answer, dont be lowlife.

There's always Complaint Box where You can.. complaint. But seriously, taking a thread deletion up so high, come on. Read the rules first.