Original Post
At what point does editing the game rules of a mod become a duel scam?
obviously editing the gravity is a duelscam but what about turning dm or frac off in aikido?
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
Oh hai accer, i see you implement these tactics often.
In my opinion it does infact disadvantage a player.
like they go for the dm (with a punch,kick or decap swipe) and dont get it, going for these moves are risky and sometimes can but u in bad postions, turning dm of with out the other person knowing there fore disadvantages them.

Also its shovelers haven
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
Pretty sure when dmshold, gravity or fracshold is significantly low or otherwise inappropriate, making you instantly dm from a little move or frac, or getting swooped out of the ring with changed gravity is considered duel scam.
On other hand i'm pretty sure putting dm and frac off aren't duel scams since they don't give any sort of advantage or disadvantage to either one of the players.
Last edited by Jodarok; Nov 9, 2011 at 07:12 AM.
It's All About Expansion
People who go for dm's in aikido are not skilled.

Aikido is not a dm mod you go for the dq.

So the fact that I turned off dm and fracture only effects the people dumb enough to only go for dms which makes it there fault.
Lol, it's not your choice how other people play. You should tell people the rules you have edited before you start.
I apologise for this post.
Originally Posted by JoboMan View Post
Lol, it's not your choice how other people play. You should tell people the rules you have edited before you start.

so i argue if u change mislead some1 into a game with changed rules, then its a duel scam.
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
If You proceed to make a duel, always check the game settings - just to be sure. I think it was CTRL+G hot-key. That, IMHO, solves troubles.
if you every dueled ingame people often try and get in str8 after the duel is activated (no waitng)
so quickly changing the rules the activating duel mode ...
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard