Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Want to join Awesome?
Simply fill in the form below and wait for myself, JamZam or DzxK9 to find you in-game and test you!


How long have you been playing? (Version):
What belt are you?:
Why do you want to join Awesome?:
What time zone do you live in?:
Do you have any special talents we could use? (Video making, texture making etc.):


-You must be Black Belt or higher.
-You must be tested by a recruiter.
-You must be a good person. No ***holes.
How long have you been playing? (Version): been playing for 3months
What belt are you?: black
Why do you want to join Awesome?: to be part of this clan
What time zone do you live in?:Gmt+8
Do you have any special talents we could use? (Video making, texture making etc.):no
Part of the [Revolution]
hOw long u been playing: 4 months
reasons for joining: i want to be in an 'awesome' clan
special talents: i own at swing(not anything to be proud of), and pretty good at judo
how long have you been playing: 3 days
belt: yellow, almost orange
why you want to join: heard really good things about it
special talent: dismemberment

other: beat 2 balck belt once
how long have you been play: 2 months
belt: black, 745 games to 2 dan
why you want to join: heard really good things about it
special talent: decapitation and other dismeberment
both me and tré appolagize for the inactivity, this clan has phailed and it will be removed, again, we're sorry.
Tha BAWZ need no introduction!