Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Discuss the things you think about in your sleep, yes?

Once dreamt that my eardrum fell out. Think i was like, five.
In a realm far away, in the land of dreams Dubs waits in his eternal slumber, sleepy and…with stomach pains because he didn’t go to the bathroom before sleep. FUCK.

So as I said, I woke up in this green house + park lot style area, from wherever the hell, I have information about the upcoming threat towards human life. The awakening of the worms. Imagine these worms like black…smooth, crow sized and crow like wings creature. Imagine that they…awaken during summer, and terrorized the living shit out the human race every year. Until there are a few survivors left.

So with this information in mind, I pay attention to my surroundings, it sure is full of classmates and…unknown people in general. Then I hear some gossips that the flock of worms is arriving my city in 24 hours, and that the survivors are planning to hide in the underground restaurant of the green-house. Okay.jpg. I also notice one of my friends walking around paying no attention to the panicked crowd of people…oh dear, you are the same as always. “What days to live in eh ?” I start. He responds “Well, it could be worse.” – “Uhuh” I acknowledge.

So we spent few more minutes talking, then we notice that a the crowd is actually coming outside. why ? By the looks some giant, gray, meaty looking worms with draconic wings are showing up in the atmosphere. They are worms after all so they probably can’t see us. At the moment there are 3 of them. Beautiful messengers of death. Since I’m curious I take a look around the underground area-the restaurant. The walls have dark red tapestry all over, and there are deer horns hanging on the doors. Nice restaurant-shall I say.

Then shit breaks loose outside, from inside the restaurant I can hear screams of panic and…what…is that….rumble…I sprint outside and see a black cloud engulfing the horizon. Are they here ? Few moments later the first of them appear. The worm-clows. One of the smashes plain in the face of a woman near me and apparently attaches to her face, few moments later she collapses to the floor and chases moving. What the- More of them thing appear, apparently trying attach to people.

I didn’t ask for this. I sprint towards the greenhouse while some people still wait outside, waiting their impending doom.. While the other…are running to the underground, pushed around and such I stop in the middle of the green house and watch out what is going outside, people falling lifeless every second. Holy shit. Few of the crows manage to stumble through the small frame door of the greenhouse, one of them slamming in my left arm…witnessing what happening I smacked my hand in the wooden framework of the greenhouse leaving the creature aimlessly sliding off my arm.

I rip out a stick from the ground and rip some plastic from the greenhouse supply and try to make a torch. Well something like one anyways. Now how to set it on fire…I scavenge through my pockets and luckily find a lighter, I set the plastic wrapping of the torch on fire, the thick smoke filling the greenhouse instantly. From the looks of it the birds are getting intoxicated. Or just dizzy. “Don’t like smoke, ey ?”. I cover the last survivors getting in and slam the doors shut myself. The sound of the crows fades in the restaurant, where people apparently are just having a good time.
Did this really happen ? Did it…shortly after even giving it a second though, the ground begins shaking and a massive worm creature mauls the floor in front of me, yanking it’s ugly face everywhere, grabbing 10 people at a time and eating them. I’d rather be out with the crowds, god damn. I take one of the coats left hanging on the door and get the fuck out. Shortly after leaving the underground the scream of the birds becomes infernal once again, “No no no no”…I think to myself as I slowly walk towards the nearby office building. A solid gray…block of concrete. What can be safer ? Apparently some people though about this too, since as I walk inside I am welcomed and given a warm coffee. Way to go. They tell me that the worm pest will die in the winter. Due the cold. Until then we must hold our ground here or die.

And then I woke up.
Centuries Of Damn
When I was sick a few days ago I had really, how can I say this, ehh weird dreams.
I used to keep a journal and write down each dream I had.
I don't know why I stopped. I'll start again.
I'll tell you my nightmarish dreams later.
Originally Posted by dbuhos View Post

I want that as my facebook profile pic'.

I dream more often as of late but I remember them less often. Recently had a dream in which the girl I know Irl who looks like fluffy was buying video games. Then there was this whole thing with this guy, something about a party, no, like, an event, err... then I was killing monsters, then went to the "surface" where materials were scarse and evidently this was the future. There were anime style people...
I dunno, it certainly made more sense when I was dreaming it, as dreams usually go.
Last edited by Acavado; Aug 4, 2011 at 06:42 PM.
-Looks in my head for some scary dreams-
Kay so ahem, long dream here. -Cracks knuckles, cracks spine, cracks neck-
Dream started off as a view outside a wooden house in the middle of nowhere, with people like hanging around the patio area for some reason. Then the view, as if someone was walking toward the house, crawled through a hole in the door. Everything was trashed and messed up and weird and dirty, like some messed up basement, and there was this game booth, sorta like the Jurassic park game booth in boomers, if you guys have a boomers where you are.. O_o Anyways yeah, so it was covered and shit.
So the view climbed into it and played. So it started off in superman's mansion? And superman was in the middle of his house, all bruised up and half dead. And there was a gigantic hole in the floor and in that hole was this huge, pink, worm like creature with huge teeth inside and out of it's mouth. Superman was all like 'You'll never kill me'. Then the worm beast monster thing ate him. THEN it all switched over to my house. I woke up from bed and in the middle of my house was a hole. I fucking looked in there and that thing, apparently I have a basement now? Was in my basement, buried itself in the ground and I shit myself, not literally, and ran the fuck out. Then my idiot sister poked her head in there to see what it was and that worm thingy grabbed/bit on her head and started to drag her in. Then I was all like. '-Facepalm- Shit.' And ran and pulled her out, and she was all like, barely alive and stuff, so I put her on her bed. THEN my fucking cousins came over. Oh and this, that monster thing came up every couple minutes to see what it could eat, so you'd have to run and hide. I once jumped off my balcony doing so. Anyway, the thing ate like 4 of my cousins, and since it was a dream, everyone was obvious to it besides me, so no one really did anything. So I had to force them out of the house. Then my mom drove me away to some random ass restaurant, leaving my sister. I forgot her :3
The end.