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some questions
Q1 : hey can i ask what are bumpmap textures?are they need for the actual textures to be on the tori?

Q2 : what does wibbles mean?

Q3 :why is nirs freaking rich with tc?(note i see his shop thing whatever,and he has over 4 million tc)
P137~ People who quote themselves are idiots
Q1: http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=275704

Q2: Wibbles was once a 'no holds barred' discussion board in which was massively spammed. (it was removed)

Q3: You'll have to ask him yourself.
'no holds barred' is kind of a misleading name. The board had more rules than discussion, and was probably the most scrutinized and heavily moderated.

Even though it was the motto, it would be more descriptive to say "shitty meme spam board"
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
'no holds barred' is kind of a misleading name. The board had more rules than discussion, and was probably the most scrutinized and heavily moderated.

Even though it was the motto, it would be more descriptive to say "shitty meme spam board"

Even though 90% of the users only knew the meme "umad?"
one more question : what colour would be good for a assassins creed type texture (not taking pure)
P137~ People who quote themselves are idiots
Originally Posted by P137 View Post
one more question : what colour would be good for a assassins creed type texture (not taking pure)

If you're talking about the classic colors from 1, 2 and botherhood then, quick silver and void or vampire. If you're talking about the new colors ezio will wear in revelations, then I suggest superfly with a very dark blue, maybe imperial or raider maybe even magnetite

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
Originally Posted by MegaCash View Post
If you're talking about the classic colors from 1, 2 and botherhood then, quick silver and void or vampire. If you're talking about the new colors ezio will wear in revelations, then I suggest superfly with a very dark blue, maybe imperial or raider maybe even magnetite

ohh ok thx!!note iam getting 50000 tc - 100000 tc from a rich friend of mine.
P137~ People who quote themselves are idiots