Original Post
Cached players Tori ID's.
Hello, I hope this is worthy of this thread, if not sorry D:

But this is quite important, how do I find out where to find a players cached ID card?

I am not talking about

But for example one of these instead

The reason why is because they update for everyone and sometimes the ones on just the normal usercards do not update sometimes.
Join the [Essence] of Toribash

Oh I see now. That is for achievements. As for the usercard you just have to get manually(afaik).
Last edited by marcus; Jun 27, 2011 at 05:20 AM.
Try using this link:
Copy paste it and change the name, but make sure not to use capital letters. Then press enter.
Then you will get the other link.

Examples (just click them):
Last edited by gerFight; Jun 27, 2011 at 02:39 PM.